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The moment Kageyama left the hospital room, the only thing going through his mind was on how he was gonna escape this place.

"Well it was definitely nice of Kageyama to stop by," the doctor said. "But like he said you are not going to play in the game tomorrow."

"And for gosh's sake," Nurse Hisakawa said."Stop standing, go lay down. You're going to get hurt."

Hinata stood as tall as he could. "Look at me, I'm fine."

"Like I said- stop lying to me," Dr. Sukodu said. "I can't believe I fell for it the first time. We have tried to let you go but there doesn't seem to be anything we can do. We're thinking of doing surgery in a week."

This was the first time Hinata saw the doctor genuinely angry. It was terrifying, but at this moment nothing was stopping him from wanting to leave. Trying to convince them definitely wasn't going to work.

He was going to have to use force.

The nurse turned to her colleague. "Yes, a few scientists are actually going to come on Friday to come check you out." She looked back at Hinata. "They're some of the brightest people I know, if anyone can figure out how to help you, it's them."

"Right," Hinata replied, half-heartedly. He searched for any way out.

"Alright go sit down kiddo," Sukodu muttered. He moved forward to guide Hinata back to his stretcher. 

In that moment, he saw a box of scalpels (surgery knives) on the counter nearby. In a panicked motion he leaped towards it and tried to open it. His fingers were fumbling in a panic, and he couldn't get the box open.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

His plan was the least bit clear or detailed, but he was going to try it. He had no choice. He finally was able to figure out where to open it and he grabbed on of the sharp blades and held it to his neck.

The two medical professionals were at a loss of words. "Shouyou!"

"If you come near me I'm going to slit my throat." Hinata's voice shaked, and his heart raced quicker by the second.

"Calm down," Sukodu cautioned. "You don't know what you're doing."

"I sure as hell do! I'm sick of adults and everyone telling me what to do." Hinata wish he could sound confident but his voice came out weird and quiet.

The nurse took a small step towards him and Hinata could feel the adrenaline filling his entire body. 

"Get away from me!" He held the knife closer to his throat.

"Put it down," Sudoku commanded. "It's just us, Hinata."

"If you come closer to me I will kill myself."

"Why would you want to do this?" Hisakawa breathed. "Hinata you have a future, you have so much potential. Think this through."

"I won't do it if you let me leave," Hinata urged on.

The nurse shook her head. "I can't allow that."

Hinata gripped the scalpel tighter and his breath quickened. At first he only wanted to threaten them so he could leave, but all the emotions rushing to him made him so so close to actually ending his life.

"Put down the knife." The doctor's tone was threatening and scaring the heck out of Hinata, but he wouldn't lose.


"Put down the fucking knife!" The exclaim made Hinata hold the blade closer and it touched his neck this time causing a bit of blood to drip out.


Injured (Hinata x Kageyama)Where stories live. Discover now