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The day seemed a bit cloudy and gloomy, and it reflected Kageyama's mood. Worry and emotions had flooded him, and he wasn't quite sure what to do at the moment. Oikawa had walked away coolly (or so he tried), leaving him to just make his way home. He then noticed a shadow moving away slowly


"Gah! How'd you see me?"

"Is it you? Who Oikawa was talking about."

"Er, I don't know what he said. I wasn't... listening. I mean-"

"I know you were." Iwaizumi paused for a moment, thinking.

"Kageyama, when were you this cool?"

"Cool!?" He had always though that Iwaizumi was one of the coolest people he knew. He was always the best at everything, even better than Oikawa.

"You're so chill and mature. Since when were you like this?" Iwaizumi said with a hint of admiration in his voice.

"I... I don't k-know?" Kageyama stuttered, realizing he was blushing. He then felt a drop of water on his hand. And then another one. Quickly enough it was pouring.

"Oh gosh, the weather report didn't say it would rain." The older said as he groaned. Kageyama breathed in and out. It wouldn't happen... no... not like this. He closed his eyes trying to ignore that his clothes were completely wet. He needed to move but when he opened his eyes... he saw it. An umbrella.

"No! Dad!" Kageyama exlaimed in fear and he was waving his hands around weirdly, as if he was going insane.

"Kageyama, are you okay?"

"N-no... I my dad... my dad..." In addition to the rain on his face, his tears started steaming down Kageyama's face.

"Kageyama!?" Iwaizumi exclaimed. The younger boy had started to collapse and it seemed as if he was having a mental breakdown.

"Please help my dad, someone help me... he's been hurt." The umbrellas... the different colours as they seemed to surround him. None of them were helping him, or his dad. The scenes replayed in his head, they car splashing water on him as it drove away.

"It's okay, Kageyama. It's going to be okay. You're dad is okay. I'm here for you." Iwaizumi kneeled down and pulled Kageyama into a hug. He let him cry into his shoulder. He held him closely and firmly making sure he knew that he was here for him.

"Please... make sure... my dad is okay."

"Okay. I will. Don't worry. Let's get some shelter okay? You're going to get sick if you stay out here."

"O-okay." The older boy guided the younger into the nearest place he knew- his house. Two pairs of eyes were watching them as they walked away, both felt worry and... envy. Oikawa had found once again a reason to be jealous and dislike the younger setter. He had tried so hard, he loved Iwaizumi with all of his heart, and here he was just watching Kageyama being taken care of by him. Kageyama was obviously having a traumatic moment, and that also made Oikawa feel guilty of his feelings.

Hinata was looking outside his window staring at the rain droplets as he saw Kageyama collapse and it seemed as if he was hurt or something extremely bad had happened to him... and he couldn't see clearly but... he was crying. Hinata had never seen the strong setter cry, and lately Kageyama had done a lot of things he hadn't expected. But then another person had kneeled down and... hugged and comforted Kageyama. Hinata's eyes widened. Who could it be? Kageyama wasn't a very popular person and didn't have many friends... so who was he? As the figure pulled Kageyama up and continued to embrace him as they walked away, Hinata caught a glimpse of his face.

Injured (Hinata x Kageyama)Where stories live. Discover now