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Love. Hinata loved volleyball. He thought that would have been the only thing he would ever come to love. But then Kageyama kissed him, and Hinata kissed him back. How did that happen? There was always things that Hinata didn't understand, and love was indeed one of them. Did he love Kageyama?

That, he wasn't sure of.

He wasn't sure of it at all.

However... kissing him... made him feel as if there were real sparks flying around them. He just couldn't believe that he liked Kageyama out of everyone he knew.

But was he really shocked? Or did he know all along?

When the nurse had pushed him to talk to Kageyama, when his heart beat quicker everytime Kageyama was around, and when he had convinced him to stay and get better. The way he had influenced him and changed who Hinata was today... it truly was fascinating. Hinata was aware that he knew nothing about love but he sure knew that he would want Kageyama to be his first.


All Kageyama was thinking about was Hinata, as he lied in his cold bed. He couldn't think of anything else. It was everything on his mind. Their kiss... did he do it right? He probably messed up big time, and Hinata was probably just regretting the decision. 

Or he was thinking about more important things. Like his surgery, which was a life and death thing, was tomorrow morning. He didn't know how he'd face Hinata- he had ran away last night the moment they broke their kiss. He was gone in a flash, stumbling clumsily as he got away.

But a smile kept forming on his face, as he remembered what happened an hour ago. He tried to stop himself, but he just couldn't. It was as if the smile was permanently imprinted on him.

"Kageyama! He's smiling!" Tanaka had said when they met. He then ran and informed the entire team, and they all came rushing out and stared at Kageyama in utter amazement. But he didn't care. He couldn't give a single damn about it, because he was feeling good today.

As cliche as it was, the sun was bright and the birds were chirping. Today seemed almost too perfect. He didn't want to do anything but smile. He decided to take a walk outside after his volleyball practice.

"Tobio? Kageyama Tobio?" A middle-aged man walked approached Kageyama. He recognized him immediately, despite the fact that he hadn't seen him in years.

"Oh, Fujo-san!" Kageyama bowed down in respect.

"I see you're still playing volleyball," Fujo Asami, an old friend of Kageyama's father, said glancing at his outfit. "Good lad, your father would be proud."

"He would?" Kageyama asked. He stared at him in confusion.

"Of course he would. Why wouldnt he be?"

"I doubted it... all my life. I always thought that he would... be disappointed. I continued to play volleyball after... all that happened to him..."

"It was the smartest thing you could've done, and he would be very proud of you."

"But he's gone."

"Your dad's home now. The angels welcomed him back home, happy to see him again. He was an angel, your dad, he really was. Everyone loved him."

"I just don't think... I ever told him I loved him, while he was still alive. He never knew how much I loved him... and cared-"

"Every mistake... should be a lesson learned. Tell someone you love them, won't you?"

"Yeah... I will."

"Good. It's getting dark don't you think?"

"Uh, yes sir."

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