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Hinata knew he did.

He tried not to acknowledge it or reveal it to everyone else (although they probably all knew by now).

And Kageyana told him he loved him, and Hinata knew he felt the same. So why didn't he just... say it? Instead he waited long enough for a drunk driver to come out of nowhere and almost kill him.

They had kissed. Hinata had liked it because it felt... right. So why won't he just get on with it? What was stopping him?

He was so troubled that he might even think that he's the one with fears and...

"PDST? Or PSTD?" Hinata mumbled to himself.

"Actually, PTSD," the nurse said as she walked into the room. "You seem very conflicted, what's up?"

"Yeah, I guess-" he stopped as he noticed someone else enter the room. "Yamaguchi?"

Yamaguchi, as nervous as he was all the time, stuttered. "Uh h-hi, hello, I h-hope I'm not interrupting anything, or something, important?"

"Not really, is something wrong?" Hinata asked. He noticed that the pinch server seemed a lot more tense than usual.

"Well no- I mean its possibly... okay yes."

"What is it?"

"It's obviously none of my business, but I think you should... do something about you and Kageyama-kun," Yamaguchi answered. "It seems like he's slowly pursuing something but you're kinda uncertain I guess. If you like him, you should tell him. If you don't want anything to continue, tell him too. I think he deserves to know at this point. I'm kinda here on behalf of the team too. We didn't want to all approach you but we've been seeing this just happen, and we kinda just figured..."

"I understand what you mean, and I have been thinking about it- a lot," the shorter boy responded. "And I'm just so confused, no matter how much I think about it. I like him, I do, but I'm also too scared to do anything. So maybe it's just not right? Maybe it's telling me something."

"Is it fear of rejection? Or the end of relationships?" the nurse asked with a gentle tone.

"No, I don't think so," Hinata I mean, he confessed to me so that's that. I- I- I just don't know."

"Then it's your choice, Hinata. It's always your decision, and don't ever think otherwise."

"Other people might be disappointed, but you shouldn't feel ashamed because it's always your feelings and not theirs." Yamaguchi added.

Hinata nodded. He felt so much better now with their comfort and words.

"That's very wise and mature of you, Yamaguchi." The nurse said smiling. Yamaguchi blushed at the compliment but his expression turned solemn.

"It's just... personal experience." Tears started to fill his eyes. "Tsukki, great guy and all but-"

"No, not really," Hinata mumbled quietly. "Sorry, you were saying?"

"He might seem like an arse to everyone, but I know who he truly is on the inside. Soft, determined, insecure. Sure, he doesn't look that way at all and you probably wouldn't believe me. But after all I've been through with him, it really has been something."


"He was my best friend since a young age, that you guys all know. But most of you guys don't know that I had a crush on him since then."

"You did!?" Hinata exclaimed. It was very easy to tell how oblivious the boy was.

"I loved him, so much," Yamaguchi said with a sad smile. "I felt as though I would go crazy, how much I invested into him. There's a lot to it... but after all of it, we decided to just stay friends."

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