[09] - Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to My Divines

I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, and I couldn’t even speak. As soon as Kale dropped me off yesterday, I went straight to my room and wept my eyes out. My parents didn’t even check on me once and that broke my heart even more. Now here I was sitting my car looking at the school grounds trying to calm myself down but that wasn’t working.

May is dead, that little girl is dead and it’s because of me. Every time I thought about this, my heart ached and I closed my eyes and sighed. I need to pretend that everything’s alright, at least for now. I didn’t want to miss anymore of school; I needed to catch up as it is. With a sigh, I put on my backpack, opened the door, and shut behind me.

Just as I turn around, I spotted Kale in front of me and I gasped in shock. How long was he there? “I couldn’t find you.” Kale muttered not looking at me in eyes. “So I came to look for you, you seem like you want some company.”

I smiled at him but then my eyebrows rose up curiously to see him hiding something behind his back but I finally decided to brush it off. “Thank you, I think I do.”

Kale put whatever he was holding in his back pocket and smiled back finally looking at me in the eyes. “I’ll walk to you to class if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind.” I replied simply as he tossed me a cute grin and we both begun to walk towards the school building. Silence fell between us and I was actually relieved that it was comforting silence. That’s when my thoughts shot back to Kale and our date, he wouldn’t mind if we went out.

Should I ask him out? I mean, maybe going out with him would help me forget about the fact that I have a ghost who’s a form of my insecurities haunting me? But then, I recalled back to my nightmare, she said it wouldn’t help but why should I believe her? I sighed in frustration; once again I was confused about the whole subject.

“Are you okay?” Kale asked me worriedly as he raised an eyebrow.

“I’m fine.” I lied softly as I swung my backpack to my side, unzipped it, and took Kale’s jacket from my backpack once I zipped back up. “Here’s your jacket.”

“Thanks” He said to me with a smile as he took his jacket and looked at me. “You know what, how about another date?” He asked me as we finally opened the doors and walked inside the building with a crowd of people. “You look like you need it.”

I blushed, he was so sweet. “Sure thing.”

Suddenly Kale grabbed my hand and I felt butterflies fly in my stomach as a slight blush heats up my cheeks. His hand felt warm and comforting, I really didn’t want to let go. “Kale!” Someone suddenly shouted! We both looked up to see Caroline the yearbook girl marching towards us and Kale sadly released my hand.

“What is it?” Kale asked angrily as his voice suddenly turned very annoyed. I snickered; I could tell he didn’t really like her.

 “I need to talk to you.” She snapped with same energy of angriness. Turning towards me but still talking to him she continued, “Alone.”

I had no idea what was going on but I didn’t want to worry about it. I already had so much going on right now. Turning towards him, I smiled at him shortly but he doesn’t return it. He looks pissed. “Um, I’ll text you.” I spoke up in case he didn’t see me and he suddenly smiled and nodded.

Walking away, I brushed that weird situation off and drifted onto to Dean. Was he okay? Will he be at school? Should I call him? But before I could even think of doing anything, I stopped walking and turned to see the freckled boy. He was angry and I assumed that he just finished his suspension.  

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