Chapter 8

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Clara POV
"Clar, wake up." An unfamiliar smell fills my nostrils. When I open my eyes, my eyes meet dark brown eyes almost black. "You can go now." Okay, so somehow I managed to sleep.


"I think it's my new job to wake you up."

"Maybe." Yes, I can sleep anywhere and anytime. I roll my eyes at her before leaving.

When I reach his floor, I step out of the elevator and I see a women in front of his room. She smiles at me and introduces herself as Jane Allen, Jan. She allowed me inside.

"Good morning Mr.Johnson, may I come in." Well, my practice is successful.

"Morning, you may." He said pointing towards a chair in front of him. I take the seat.

"Thank you."

"So, your job isn't conformed until a week. I am just gonna observe you and if I am satisfied with your work, then you are an actual worker. But, as you are still in college, I cannot guarantee you completely."

"Ok sir. And sir, I have college at mornings. What would be my timings?"

"At what time you used to work before?"

"4:00 to 10:00. But, I use to be there at 3:30. I use to work in a coffee shop and also deal with accounts sometimes." It was famous for coffee, but ice cream, milkshakes are also available there. The art work is very good there. I am not good at art but I like it. So, I did learn some.

"So, you are good at accounting."

"I wouldn't say that, it was a minor thing we did. The owner personally deals with accounts. In her absence, I use to do it."

"So, you are going to complete college in few months?"


"As you still didn't complete studies. What you are gonna do is, you need to come with me where ever I go and help in my works and do the things I say." I am confused. Does he mean personal assistant? He already has one. "Confused?" I nod my head. "Yeah, it's a kind of personal assistant, but I wouldn't say that. The things which my assistant does and yours will be different."


"You need to be here by 3:30 and I wouldn't conform your leaving time. You should stay still I do. Are you okay with this."


"Are you ready to start today."

"Yes sir." He nodded and called some one and said "Ms.Allen come into my office." Now I get it. I know what is gonna happen. But seriously, why should he call? She is just outside his office room. Or else he could have asked me to call her.

"Yes sir?" She says.

"Show her around and tell her what she have to do."

"Okay sir."

And then I stood up and as soon as I am out of the room I ask her "So Jan?"


"I didn't clearly get it. What am I gonna do?"

"Your like a personal assistant is what I may say, kind of. But you are not. You are just gonna do whatever he says and you need to spend more time with him. Something like helping him in his works."

"I get it. But it's a bit confusing."

"Yeah it is."

"I never heard about this kind of work."

"Neither did I. People name it as assistant."


"So, you don't have a room or something. It's just the beginning so... you will be in his office mostly and you need to go with him to places and all. And if he doesn't need you, you can sit here." She says pointing to a a desk. It's well designed grey and white dusk.
It's just a common place for his employees. Hey but I am happy, I didn't even expect this.


"Let me show you the whole office because he may ask you to go get something or inform something or something else. So, you need to know."


Finn POV
I planned a lot of things, a lot of things I didn't know why, I didn't know for what? All I did know is there is something wrong with me.

I planed to give her a special office, house (near to mine) which I already bought, salary, job confirmation and many.

Yesterday, even I got a dream about her and me. I liked her and she did too and when I proposed, she said she have feelings for me but said no, she said she is scared to get into relationships. Her eyes were filled with tears, she was hurt and I was too. And- I actually didn't understand why she was in my dream.

I am not getting it, what's wrong with me? Why am I thinking about her, dreaming about her? First of all, why did I give her this job opportunity even when she is rude and not qualified. Of course, she is in a good stream. But, she is still studying, she will not have here whole concentration on my business.

I am gonna fire her. No, I will fire her if anything is lacking. I don't mind until my work is done.

"May I come in sir." Ms.Allen knocked on door, door slightly opened.


"Sir, I showed Ms.Wilson everything and introduced her to everyone and she is going through the paperwork."


"Anything I can do sir?"

"Yes, Can you find out if Mrs. Swan is ready with the file."

"Sure sir."

"And ask her to come with the file if she is done or ask her to leave at the moment."
Hey, sorry, sorry. I know too late, once more. I am really sorry. But, fever........ I know what you are thinking. But, I am not lying. It's the truth. I wouldn't say fever for too long. Listen.

First, I need to take a decision about my career and chose the course, then fill applications and complete the formalities like interaction and all, then classes begin, then fever and all.

Sorry, if you are angry on me but thank you also, because that mean you like my work, that makes me happy.

And please inform me, if you find any grammatical mistakes. And if you feel anything doesn't make sense, I am just 15, young right. So, if you tell me, I wouldn't try to repeat.

And I told you about doctor and medicine right. So........ and comment.

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