Chapter 1 - Hit The Diamond

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You and the Rubies were in your seats, well, you were 'sitting' upside down,"DEFECTIVE RUBY, SIT DOWN!" Army shouted at you, you gave them nicknames as you may be able to tell. Yes, you were defected, only by able 5-7 inches though, you weren't sure, plus your hair was too curly. "Nope," you giggled, Army got frustrated, stomping over to your small form, ready too slap you too the others solar system. "YOU LITTLE-" she shouted, picking you up by your foot, lifting you to her face, but was cut off by Captain(Doc). "Put Ruby defect down!" Shouted Captain, Army let your foot go, making you fall to the floor with a 'thump'.

"We will be arriving too Earth soon! So behave yourselves." She said, mostly aiming it at you. You sat in your seat, like the innocent red jelly bean you were, then, you arrived on earth, it was and blue. "Alright Rubies! Keep your eyes out for anything moving!" Captain said, you giggled looking at Eyeball, they glared at Captain.

"THERE!" Army shouted, pointing to a small green running creature. The ship started to chase it, as you held on too your seat, not liking going too fast. Captain chased the green thing too thing? It was really broken, and had a gap in the side. The ship scanned the top,"There's a hole in the side of the box....." you pointed out,"Good job Defect!" Navy said too you, as the ship looked through the hole, spotting some figures as they ran out, the ship chased them, as you held them seat again.

The ship cornered them, but as it sped forward(much to your dismay), it was knocked over a giant 'water' hand, making the ship crash. Which you screamed and covered your gem with your hand. When the ship was down, Navy raced too you, hugging you and comforting you, like a small child. "Is everyone's ok?!" Captain called out, when a chorus of 'yes!'s could be heard. You just hugged Navy.

Eyeball went to the door, opening it, and sticking her head out too check if I was clear, then jumped out, signaling for the rest. Next, Army jumped out, doing weird moves, and kicking things, then Navy who gasped, complimenting the planet. Then you jumped out, walking around, looking at the grass, before purposely headplanting the floor, staring at the ground. You heard Leggy come out from behind you, then Captain.

A few seconds later, you were picked up by Captain and walked around, searching the area like she said, with you in her arms. Then Captain went back too the ship, standing on top, getting the other Rubies attention,"Focus Rubies! This is an important mission from Yellow Diamond! So we can't mess it up!" She shouted, as the chatter stopped,"H-Hey hey! What are we all doing over here?" A Ruby asked, who was that, maybe you just didn't them  before, you'll just call them Ruby. "Yeah, what are we all doing here?" Leggy said raising a hand,"Were here to retrieve the leader of the Earth mission!" Captain shouted, making you jump in her arms.

She set you down and you waddled over to the others, next to Navy, who hugged you,'damn being small...' you thought. "Hey...wait a second it seems like there are more of us than usual!" Captain said, crossing her arms,"Theres suppose to be six of us," Navy said, letting you go. "Six Rubies!" Army shouted. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five.... Six! Pfft, nevermind." She said counting you all, at least your pretty sure she did. "The leader of the Earth mission must be around here somewhere..." Captain said,"Well, they're definitely not in that barn!" Ruby's said pointing to the barn. 'They're in the barn....' you though too yourself.

"Woah! I didn't see that before, maybe we should go look around in there!" Captain said, looking at the barn. "I'll go! By myself!" Ruby said, walking off, making a weird sound,"Buh-bye~" Navy said, as they walked off.

They came back with a human in there arms,"I checked the barn, and I just found a bunch of humans!" She said, nervously. "Yep! Nothing in there, but us humans!" It said,"Really?" Captain said,"Looks like we failed! Time to go back home, heh," They said again, like what, we can't just return. "I think we'd better double check, you remember what happened last time," Captain said,'oh' you thought.

"Last time?" They questioned,"Oh Ruby, your so forgetful!" Navy said. "Alright let's search the barn!" Captain said,"WAIT. You c-cant because...." The Ruby said, turning towards the human. "You...have to play baseball!" The human said hesitantly, you all looked at each other,"Yeah! It's a human thing, if you win you can check the barn, and if you lose you have to leave forever!" The human said quickly. "Baseball...." Captain said, as the Ruby and Human went back too the barn.

You and the Rubies faced the humans,"ok, were the humans! Steven!" Steven called out,"Earl," another said,"Amy," the next one said,"Bob," a calm, not really caring, one said,"and Sophie~" The last one said. "Understood! Our team is the Rubies, consisting of; Ruby!" Captain said,"Ruby," the sweaty one said,"Ruby," said Navy,"Ruby," Army said quickly,"Ruby..." Eyeball growled lowly,"and Ruby!" Leggy said, but before you said anything, Captain came up too you,"Sorry, but this might more effort than you can't handle, as you're defect, go sit down over there," Captain pointed too a seat, as you walked over too it, seeing kinda pitiful faces from the humans.

The Human Steven began to explain the rules, as the game started, the sweaty Ruby kept missing. Then Army hit it hard, and it flew away. After a few turns they switched sides, so Rubies were fielding, the purple human hit the ball and was very fast around the field, you heard then talking. A blue one came on next, after a few other goes, missing the ball, and getting out, you cheered on the bench. The next round, the sweaty Ruby hit the ball,"Yay!!" You shouted from the bench.

After a few more rounds, you were looking at the 'grass', as you found out, bored as hell. Finally the last player came on, they missed twice but hit a giant force on there last try. Running around the field, straight too the sweaty Ruby, before they FUSED?! The fusion was laughing, then said,"whoops." The Rubies all gasped saying things like,"They're Gems!","we've been tricked!","what a turn of events!" And "huh?". You started too run to the Rubies, as the others gems got up, the Rubies piled together, before you jumped in, as you all fused.

Letting out a 'roar', "WAITTTTT!!", something yelled,"Don't hurt them! Wait! It's me your After right? I'm not gonna stand by and let my friends fight my battle!" It was a Peridot. The human- or gem, 'aww'ed about something, as you zoned out, letting the others Rubies have complete control. Suddenly you unfused, landing next to Captain, appearently you were going too Neptune,"We all here? One, two, three, four, five and...HA six! Too planet Neptune!" Captain said,"Move out soilders!" Army said,"What a lovely sounding planet," Navy said walking off,"but..." You trailed off, as Captain picked you back up, taking you too the ship. Placing you in your seat as you all got in, you were about too get up until you felt something wrap around you, a space belt...."UGHHHH," you said,"it's for your own good," Captain said, as you hold on, blasting away.

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