Chapter 2 - Back too the Moon Base PT.1

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You and the other Rubies had been searching for Jasper for ages. You groaned out of boredom, you were still buckled in, and you couldn't get out, as you had pulled on the space belts so many times. You and the Rubies had searched the entire solar system, but no luck, Jasper was no where too be found. All the Rubies were annoyed, mostly Army.

The ship was about to land by the barn again, but first checked for another water hand, luckily, with no water hand there, you could land. Once you landed, Navy came over and took you out of your seat, taking off the space belts first. You jumped down, and ran out fast, as the others chased you, but you were suddenly all picked up in 'bubble's of water. You looked down, seeing the Lapis, hands raised, and the Peridot behind her.

Then about five minutes later(or longer), the other Gems came over, talking and pointing at you all. You watched as Rubies were dropped, first Leggy, then Army, then Navy, then Eyeball, now you. You were dropped down, landing in your back with a thump, you got up quickly and ran at them,"Let my friends gooooo!!" You yelled, running at them. But tripped over the ground, with another thump. Navy ran over too you,"Defect Ruby!" She shouted as she did. She then picked you up, making you legs wrap around her waist, you arms on her shoulder, with your head there two.

You pouted, mumbling things as she patted your back, while she walked back too Leggy,"The only one left now is...uhh...Doc," the Steven said, 'who's Doc?' You thought,'does he mean Captain? Probably,' you thought again. 'Doc'(you liked the idea of the name) was let down. "Where's Jasper? Last time we came, you tricked us into playing that stupid game! Then you said,'she's in Neptune,' well we looked! And she wasn't there! She's wasn't in Neptune, or any other planet in the whole dang solar system! Tell us where's she is. Right. Now." Doc rambled on, as you all went too her,"No games, no tricks, no slick disguises!" She said again, making you all go 'YEAH!'.

"HEY! I'm right here." Said a voice, you all turned, it was the Jasper! You all started shouting 'whoo's and 'yeah's, as you Eyeball went up, introducing herself, also speaking about Jasper. "Yep! That's me, always huge, NEVER small, all the time since I was made!" She said, you slightly looked at the floor,"wait a minute, you looked different than I thought you would," Eyeball said,"You must mean my tan, Y'know from the sun," Jasper said pointing to the sun,"Stupid Earth sun! UGH, I hate this planet." Eyeball said, kicking up some ground.

"Curse this planet!" Jasper said, kicking ground too, then Rubies ran over kicking up the ground, except you, you looked down and picked a flower up,"I kinda like this planet..." you said quietly, but they heard,"Defect! You cannot like this Planet! We will talk about this later." Doc said, stomping over, taking the flower and crushing it, then walking back,"Sorry Jasper, forgive her, she's defective, though it comes useful sometimes." Doc said too Jasper, the other Rubies(less from Navy) just stared at you slightly ashamed at what you said. You looked the floor, feeling slight tears, before sucking it up, recovering quickly.

Eyeball talked about taking back Jasper, which ended with the other Rubies talking about devotion when she said she had too guard the Crystal Gems. "You'll have to file a report at the nearest Diamond," Doc said, when the Rubies asked each other about were it's was,"It's there," Eyeball pointed too the Moon. "I gotta hold it all the way too the Moon?!" Jasper said, before saying,"Hold this- hold these....Prisoners! Gotta bring the Rebel prisoners if we are going to the Moon, can't leave them here unsupervised!" She's said,"Very well, too the ship!" Doc said, as you all went into the ship.

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