Chapter 5 - Room for Rubies PT. 2

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This amazing picture was by 'pink diamond's dauder' on Quotev, thank you so much! Go follow her for her amazing art! Although, this won't be the official design, but thank you!

If you have any fanart, leave it in the comment section, or send it too me! You will get a shoutout like this! :D

Thanks for 400+ reads!


"So your an Earthling...but what does that mean?" The Peridot questioned as you and Navy stared at the black bored, with white stuff on it,"Well, the answer is, WHO KNOWS!" Shouted the Peridot, as the black bored turned over. You and Navy stared at eachother,"and that's the beauty of Earth, nothing here makes sense! That's why you have us now!" Peridot said,"It might be hard too like Earth at first, it's were a bunch of bad stuff happened..." Lapis said, you stared at her, silently.

Navy then spoke,"I love it! Is so sunny!" Said Navy,"Oh yes! The sun, ever burning until it's not," said the Peridot,"This planet has weather, which can be confusing and alarming, it's sunny now it can always rain later," said Lapis,"Whats rain???" you questioned,"it's like- Oh wait! I can just show you!" She replied with, then she lifted her hand, making the 'water' fly from a hole thing, it then towered over you all, then it started falling...but in small bits.

"I know it's a bit strange, but-" She was cut off,"weee, oh! Haha! The sky is crying!" Navy laughed,"She likes it! Navy likes it!" Steven ran around with Navy,"oh- a planet that's not always's almost like's always...changing! And it's so beautful!" Said Navy, giggling. You walked over to the Peridot, standing under a thing, keeping you dry, you looked up too the Lapis, and smiled. She turned away,"Looks like we have an edvanced student on our hands!" Peridot says,"yeah, No kidding," said the Lapis, grumpily.

"This is out Gem cave, Lapis hates it when I call it that, so I don't-" The Peridot rambled, you ignored her, and went too the, thing, that the 'Pumpkin' was in, it didn't make any contact, you poked it, nothing. You were confused, you tried to climb up too see the small creature,"Oh! You must be wondering about the hamoke, it's a bed you fall out of," The Peridot said, noticing you,"I just like Pumpkin...." you said, looking back at the orange creature. You then heard sounds, next too you, you then turned around, seeing Navy on the floor, you poked her. Again. And Again. And once again. She flinched every time you did, then whacked your hand away, you muttered a 'sorry' then walked off with the other gems, the Pumpkin got up, and you chased it, Navy trailed behind.

The Peridot started talking about 'plants' and how they don't listen too you. You just watched Pumpkin, he stared back. "Plants may seem strange at first, but don't worry, you don't have too love everything right away," said the Lapis,"I love plants!" Said Navy. Pumpkin was then picked up,"Do you like Pumpkin too...?...!" Asked Lapis, like she snapped,"I...Love...Pumpkin...!" Said Navy, jumping over us, Pumpkin licked Navy. "What about dirt? Do you love dirt too?" Asked Lapis, annoyed,"Whats dirt?" You asked, staring up at her.

She pointed too the ground, then you sat down, and shrugged,"I do love the dirt!" She said, rolling in the dirt, as Peridot and Steven did the same. You watched. "So...what about us? How do you feel about us?" Asked Lapis, once again,"You guys are the best! Thank you, thank you! Thank you all for taking me in!" Said Navy, hugging Peridot and Steven, you looked up at the Lapis, she looked at you for an answer,"I don't mind you." You said, looking back at Navy.

"But- we were just enemies- don't you remember- what don't you GET MAD?!" Said the Lapis,"I think, even if I really try, that's the one thing I can't do..." now you knew she was lying, Navy had gotten mad before, it was a pretty sight. "OH COME ON!" Yelled the Lapis, flying off, after putting Pumpkin down, you stood up, going to Pumpkin, picking him up, and carrying him smiling,"Did I do something?" Questioned Navy,"I...think it might be more complicated than that...why don't you two stay here and admire more of the plants..." Said Steven, running off with Peridot. You and Navy looked at eachother, you began petting Pumpkin, then Navy ran off, you followed with Pumpkin in your arms.

You arrived back at the barn, Navy began shouting,"Oh no! I didn't mean too make anyone upset, oh, maybe we should just go...." She said, you looked at her. "No, no, it's my problem, I didn't mean too make you feel like you didn't below here..." said Lapis,"Yeah! You should stay!" Peridot said,"Oh you guys! I'm so glad, I don't know were we would go anyway, can't go anywhere without our ship, that's the only place we belonged anyways, I MISS IT SO MUCH!" Navy said, obviously fake crying. Steven said that they had our ship, that's why you ended up in the ship, all of you, flying around.

You didn't have too put your space belt on, luckily, so you were looking around the ship,"This is perfect the crystal gems finally have a pilot!" Steven said,"Hey Steven, hit that button behind you, and I'll show you what this baby can really do!" Navy said, before you could say anything, a protective shield was put around Navy, the door opened, luckily Pumpkin was with Peridot. You grabbed onto the closet thing, which was your chair, you began screaming slightly. "Navy, I think something is wrong with the ship!" Steven shouted, nearly out the door,"The only thing wrong is, your still holding on, oh haha," she giggled,"Navy....?" You questioned, looking at her, she had slight pity on her face,"Sorry defective....but if you can't hold on, You can't stay." Sis don't Navy, making your face go from sad too furious,"WHAT." You shouted, Steven was shouting things, but you were trying too stay on, then the ship looped.



You landed in the water with a splash, you didn't know how to swim, you began frailing your arms around, making large wave picked you up, it was hand shaped. You were put on land, you scrambled up, looking around, you were back on the beach you landed you, infront of you were the Lapis, Peridot, Garnet, Steven and Pumpkin. You trembled back, looking for a way too escape, you started running one way, but was soon picked up by someone, strong from what you could tell. You looked up, seeing the fusion, Garnet, you tried getting out of her arms, until you stopped, and fell silent.

You looked back up too Garnet, who was smirking slightly, you looked around, still seeing the others there, Lapis with a pissed face(laPISSED HAHA). You obviously weren't in her good books,"You knew about that plan didn't you!?" Lapis asked you, walking closer, you shook your head,"N-No! I knew Navy was acting suspicious, but I didn't think anything of it!" You said, putting your arms up for defence.

"So....We can still have a barn buddy?"

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