Chapter 10 ~ Special Episode

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  For Princess Lily ! This is her chapter in the contest as she got second, for results check out my Quotev, RainbowStudios! ThThe plot is that the SU characters get sucked into a game, like mario. Enjoy!

This feels rushed, may re do it in future.


You groaned, having nothing to do. Amethyst was at your side, as you both laid back on the couch, back to back. Steven was playing 'Crystal Adventures, the remake!' Or something. Steven then let out a squeal, causing Garnet and Pearl to come out the temple. "Aw! I died again..." sighed Steven, as Pearl and Garnet calmed down, as they thought it was something serious. The warp pad then sounded,"Hello fellow Crystal Gems!" Said Peridot, who was standing next to Lapis,"Lapis here was kindly explaining how the warp pad could go to the temple, isn't that right Lazuli?" Peridot asked Lapis, who nodded, not caring. "Steven, surely playing video games for more than 2 hours is unhealthy?" Questioned Pearl.

It probably was, but who were you to question. "I've been trying to finish a level, and I'm not giving up yet!" Steven replied with, determined. Then a flash of white happened, with everyone screaming 'Ahhh!'

You suddenly landed on something, with an 'Oof!' It was hard, stone like. You opened your eyes, and looked at the ground that was right infront of your face. It was stone, but very posh slated stone. You got up, and looked around. You were in a bright world, gem-like creatures stalked around the area, as you looked over them all on a balcony. Then you noticed your outfit. It was a pink dress, so as soon as you stepped forward, you fell downwards again. You sighed, where even were you? You got up shaking in heals that matched your dress,"Ew!" You said, they were both pink. You then slid over to the balcony edge, where the stone fence kept people on. From a could almost make out what seemed to be... the gems!

"HEY!" You shouted over, waving your arms around, to your disconfort of the tight dress pulling your arms down, with its poofy sleeves. Then must have seen you, because they waved back, and you heard Steven shout something faintly.

switching to Steven's POV

After that bright light, I had no idea what was going on. I landed on what seemed to be grass, as you got up quickly and became familiar with my surroundings. I was in Crystal Adventures! I wore my normal clothes, except instead of a star, I had a large rose on my shirt. I then noticed the other gems sprayed around me, except...Y/N! Where was she... I then heard the gems get up,"What the stars?" I heard Peri groan. On Peridots shirt was a screw, on Lapis' shirt was a water drop, Garnet had a fist, Pearl had a Spear and Amethyst a whip. I guess this meant our weapons, and mine must be a rose because of mom. "Steven? Why are we in your game? Is this what usually happens?" Asked Pearl, questioningly, as she dusted herself off. "No. This hasn't happened before, I don't even know..." I was about to say about how I didn't know what level it was, but it became clear looking ahead. There was gem monsters under a large tower, small canyons which were easy to jump over, and power boxes. We were on level 18, the level I had died so many times on.

Then from a distance, I heard a,"hey!" Shout, but from where I was, it was barely a whisper. I looked over to the tower, seeing a red blur, I had to be Y/N. She was the only one not here, and it kinda looked like her. "WE'RE COMING!" I shouted back, probably not loud enough. I turned to the gems,"We have to get through this level to leave! All we have to do is get to the princess, who is in the tower. On the way, we grab power boxes, the small floating boxes, which help you beat the crystal beasts!" I explained, the gems seemed to get it, Lapis didn't look bothered though.

A start button appeared infront of me, I clicked it,"Let's go!" I said, summoning my shield and running along, grabbing power box's and throwing my shield at monsters. We all ran along, quickly trying to make it to the tower. Lapis carries Peridot on her back while flying, as Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst copied me.

Back to Y/N's POV

I sighed, leaning on the balcony, they were getting closer. In all honestly I don't want them to come and see me in this rediculous dress. Then there was a pounding on the door, before it smashed open, I made it very clear to myself never to go near doors again. There stood the gems, you gasped, running over and hugging Garnet's leg,"Never leave me again." You said, hugging tighter. "Aw Y/N! Your in w dress!" Squealed Steven, chuckling. Your face lit up and a small fire started under your feet, bad idea. It caught fire to your dress and you had to run around screaming. Garnet then grabbed you and ran outside with you, and your flaming dress, you were then dropped in a wishing pond.

"Ok Steven, you've had your fun, how do we get back to the temple?" Asked Pearl, as Garney agreed. "Well normally the princess has a star that she gives up, and then it ends." Steven said looking over to you, who was sitting in the pond. The others also looked at you, you sighed,"Try looking on the balcony." You sighed, grabbing your dress and lifting it so you didn't fall. The ends were all burnt now, but you still wanted to look lady like. You then walked with the gems onto the balcony, there stood a glowing star,"Damn! The sun got brighter!" Gasped Amethyst, and Pearl scowled her,"Amethyst, that's just a silly game star, it's not real." Said Pearl, as Garnet walked over, grabbed the star,"What matters is we have the star." Garnet said, as you nodded,"So...What not?" Questioned Peridot, Lapis shrugged,"Can we go home?" She asked. Then the familiar white light flooded your vision again.

You all arrived back in the temple, in the original spaces you were in before the light. You sighed, whipping a bead of sweat off your forehead. You turned to look at Amethyst until you realised everyone had dark eyes, pitch black. You looked at everyone,"G-Guys...?" They all turned to you in sync, staring right at you.


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