Chapter 3 - Back too the Moon Base PT.2

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You all got on board, you jumped into your seat, hoping the Rubies forgot about the belt, which...they didn't. Doc came over, putting on your space belt on rather roughly,"Never say anything like that again! You could have been shattered on sight!" Doc said, obviously trying to protect you, you sighed, nodding as Doc walked off.

"Woah! It huge in here, I thought it would be super cramped," the human said, you turned you seat around to face them,"Hey! This isn't no pleasure cruise!" Said Eyeball,"Yeah show some respect, you Crystal Germs!" Jasper said, as the Rubies came up with different replies. "Oh curses, can't believe we've been caught, and by none other than Jasper, in so cross over it." Said the fusion,"Uh-huh, that sure is Jasper, the one that caught us, Hmpt!" Said Steven.

"OF ALL THE INDIGNITY! Do what you want, I'll never talk!" The Pearl said, as you giggled loudly, making the Rubies smile at your cuteness. "Jasper!" Said Doc,"Ah! I'm Jasper!" Said Jasper,"Please feel free too take my seat up front, the captains seat, it would be an honor," Said Doc, pointing,"YEAH, yes, sure thing." "I hope it's too you liking, you can go ahead and go too moon base whenever your ready," Doc said, Jasper seemed puzzled. They talked for a bit, in the end, Doc sat on Jasper's lap, and flew the ship.

You stared at the Rebels for a minute, the fusion caught your gaze, and smiled at you slightly, you tilted you head, then turned your seat around, looking at the control panel. You sat there just looking through reports of the Rebels. You then heard,"NOO!! Stay away from us you brute!" You turned your seat around, seeing Jasper talking too the Rebels, the Fusion pointed too you, Jasper looked over, waved, then you turned around again.

You finally arrived,"I WANT OUT!" You shouted, Doc came over too you, unbuckling your space belt, then grabbed you and carrying you so you didn't run, you huffed. You(Well, Doc) stepped out of the ship, the Pearl started too plead again,"SHHHHHHH," you said impatiently, the Pearl finally shut up. "Look at this place, frozen in time..." Eyeball said, as her Gem created light,"An Era 1 base, her Era 1 base....It was a tragity what happened too her" Eyeball said, pointing the light up, towards some Gem on the wall,"Who's that...." you said, looking up at Doc, who looked away from your Eye contact,"WHERE YOU MADE YESTERDAY?!" Eyeball shouted at you, as you buried yourself in Docs arms, Eyeball started to explain.

You all walked up the stairs, except you, Doc still carried you. You listened,"Shatter Pink Diamond..." Eyeball said, startling you all, but Doc proceeded too walk, when you got too the top, the whole communication pad was shattered. "We got a problem," yelled Doc, then the Rubies and Jasper talked about what too do, in the end, Eyeball was too make a report for her, which you were kinda jealous of, but nevermind. Once that was done, you went back to the ship, but jumped out of Doc's arms, not wanting too wear the space belt,"You need too wear it!" Doc said,"NOPE!" You shouted, running around,"UGH, fine but don't blame me when Army poofs you." Doc said, walking out too ask if Jasper needed a lift.

Halfway through the sentence(she dabbed XD) she gasped,"Rubies!" She yelled, as you all fused into one, catching up on the info you had gotten. Basically it wasn't really Jasper, you were tricked again. The Rubies got ready too attack, but,"If your gonna fight, take it outside!" Yelled Steven, opening the door, only making half of the fusions body go out,"You can't beat us!" The fusion said,"but she can!" Yelled the human, pointing too a new Fusion, they got a hammer, hitting the Ruby fusion, causing them too fall apart, into space, you grabbed Navy, like your life depended on it, which it did.

You floated further and further out in space, holding on too one thing, not knowing where you were going too land, or when you were.

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