Chapter 4 - Room for Rubies PT.1

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This amazing art was done by ᑕᗩᑎᗪƳ ᒎᗩᗰ on Quotev, its reader, and I really like it, it's amazing!! Go check out the artist.

If you have any fanart please message me and send a link of it, you will get a shout out for your hard work in the next chapter ;3


You held on too Navy, the closet Ruby, after you had unfused. You were terrified, and by the look on Navy's face, she was too, you both didn't know where you were going, or if you WHERE going anywhere. It was scary not being able too know what was going too happen, where you gonna be shattered? Or worse....CORRUPTED.

You really hope not....

~Time skip a lot of episodes~

You and Navy were both screaming as you started to enter Earth's atmosphere, it was slightly painful, as pressure was placed on your gem. It was more than horrifying too say the least. You and Navy had caught on fire, blasting through the atmosphere and down too Earth, still screaming as you approached the land.


You had landed, with your arms wrapped around Navy, still screaming quietly. You felt Navy turn over, taking you with her,"It's Navy and Cheeky!" A voice said,"That's a Ruby." Said a monotone voice,"Don't you remember? I gave them all names, Navy because her gem is one her Navel, and Cheeky because her gems on her cheek!" Said the first voice,"I finally get it," the mono voice said, you opened you eyes, Navy had gotten out of the hole, you crawled after her, slightly ducking.

The two people where Steven and the fusion, Garnet. Navy jumped at them, Steven made a pink bubble around him and Garnet, protecting them, but then Navy said,"Oh please, oh please, don't make us go back too homeworld! Oh, we just wanna stay here with you!" Navy said, suprising you, though you agreed. " a surprise," said Garnet, as the bubble popped and Navy fell off,"You....two....wanna live on Earth?" Asked Steven, looking at you and Navy, you nodded slightly,"Yeah! All the other Rubies were mean too us," Said Navy, picking you up, putting you on her hair, the sentence confused you, the other Rubies could be bad sometimes....but not that bad, but you went with the flow.

"We just wanna be somewhere we can be ourselves!" Said Navy, you nodded again,"Your not mad at us from before...?" Asked Steven,"What do you mean?" Asked Navy,"Y'know...about tricking you into playing baseball?" He questioned, you 'Oooh'ed, making them look at you,"Uhh, live in present not the past?" You said, kinda questioning it. "Yeah!" Said Navy, smiling, you think.

"I don't know about this," Said Garnet,"They tried too stab you in space," she continued. "That was Eyeball, this is Cheeky and Navy, they were the nicest!" Said Steven, you gun fingered at him. "Thanks!" Said Navy,"And a two gems, falling from the sky, discovering this beautiful world, sounds a lot like a story you told me once," Steven said, making Garnet flustered,"Oh stop!" Garnet said, 'shoo'ing her hand. "Let me take it from here, I know exactly were they will fit in!" He begged,"Alright Steven Universe, go world your magic!" Garnet said, and you were off.

You walked through a field, and Steven went too talk too some people, you were still on Navy's head. Navy started walking out the field, you were studying 'corn',"Heyy, im Navy!" She said,"Cheeky..." you said unsurely,"We're refugees from homeworld! Just like you!" Navy cheered, laughing,"so....uhhh, when did you two show up in Earth?" The Peridot you recognized,"today..." you said, looking away. "NEW BARNIES!!" Yelled the Peridot, making you jump, and land on the floor.

"! Hold on, can we talk about this first?" Said the Lapis Lazuli, you also reconized, as Navy asked if you were ok, you nodded, standing up, taking the floor off you...."Yeah, yeah yeah yeah! Of course I love talking," said the Peridot, you and Navy were suddenly put in differently water bubbles, Navy and you floating around, bumping into each other, having fun. You and Navy were let down, with Navy shouting a 'THANK YOU!'.

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