Chapter 1

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As salaam Alakium Guys 😄

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happy reading 😍

Word count: 1294


  ♂ Muhammad ♂  

A tear falls down my cheek as I start to read the verse: "We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger, and the loss of wealth and lives and the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, who say—when afflicted with calamity—"To God We belong, and to Him we shall return!" They are on those whom descend blessings from their Lord, and Mercy. Such are the rightly guided.'' We are tested with various trials and afflictions; poverty, hunger, fear, etc. They are all various forms of God's test. Even the loss of loved ones is one such trial. When an ungrateful person loses a loved one, he becomes bitter against God, challenging God as to why He caused his loved one to die. But the grateful believer will remain patient and submit his will totally to God, and in this way, God differentiates the true from the false.

Every time I come across this verse it always brings tears to my eyes because indeed we are all tested but many of us blame it on God for making our lives miserable and this is why our iman (a believer's faith in the metaphysical aspects of Islam) begins to fall apart.

By the time I finish leading the Maghrib prayer it's 5 o'clock. I wasn't planning on being the Imam today, but Samuel called to ask if I could lead the Maghrib prayer since the other imam wasn't available.

′′As salaam alaikum(peace be upon you),′′ I say to a group of teenagers boys standing around the door of the masjid outside.

They return my salam and continue talking amongst themselves. They don't seem to know that their causing problems for the men existing the masjid.

′′Move!′′ A man yells from behind me, the boys glance towards the back.

′′Ya Allah, you're blocking the exist!′′ The man next to me wearing a pair of Adidas track pants shouts.

′′Forgive us.′′ Together the boys on the sides of the doors making way for the men.

′′Why were you blocking the hallways?′′ A man in front shouts as he walks off almost like he's asking himself the question.

A boy from the group pulls me to the side as men exist the masjid. We stay silent watching the crowd moving around us, after the noise of shoes walking on pavements disappears, the boy finally breaks the silence.

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