Chapter 20

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Jawariyah's POV

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Jawariyah's POV

"As-salaam Alaikum," I say to Jana who is busy stacking a box of fruits on the shelves.

"Wa Alaikum salaam," She puts down the box and walks over to me giving me a huge hug. "How's the family?"

"They're good Alhamdulillah," I pull away from the embrace. "How's yours?"

"Great Alhamdulillah."

This is my second week at my new job at the grocery store. It's owned by Muhammad's friend Samuel but his wife works mostly here and a few of her cousins during the weekends. I'm only scheduled to work three days a week, five hours per shift.

"Can you throw those in the bin?" Jana puts to a box filled with rotten apples in front of me.

I put my handbag in the drawer under the front desk before picking up the box making my way to the back of the store.

It stinks out here especially with the bin lids opened. I drop the box on the floor, fix my scarf probably then I begin to empty out the rotten fruits and throwing the box into the recycling bin.

Jana's sitting on the stool behind the counter tapping her feet on the floor waiting for someone to walk in.

"Is Samuel still at your house?" I had left Harrison all by himself with his father and Samuel who had spent most of their time playing Wii upstairs. I was in kitchen cooking dinner before I left for work and all I could hear was the cheering and the booing from the boys.

"Yeah," I say. "I left them playing Wii upstairs."

Jana chuckles. "You have a Wii at home?"

"Yeah, Muhammad forced me to let him get it for him and Harrison."

"At least he asked for your permission, Samuel has a whole shelve dedicated to his Lego collection," Jana says. " He also bought two boxes of Lego this morning."

"Wow!" I'm surprised. Never in a million years would I like to have my house filled with Lego. It's a waste of money, honestly.

"Samuel is-"

The sound of the door opening interrupts her. A young man walks in.

He looks familiar...I've seen him somewhere.

"As-salaam Alaikum," He says taking off his glasses and light green eyes meets mine.


I lower my gaze.

"Wa alaikum salaam," Jana replies. "You gonna buy?"

"No, I wanted to speak with Samuel but he doesn't seem to be here right now." He looks around the store.

"I apologize for his absence, may I at least know your name?" She's speaking like a businesswoman.

"Malik," He states. "Malik Amir."

"Thank you," Jana takes a pen from the drawer scribbling down his name.

Before Malik walks out of the store, he turns around with a smirk that completely catches me off guard. ''Say hello to your husband, Muhammad.''

Malik leaves, Jana turns to me with a confused look. ''You know him?''

''Yeah, a long time high school crush,'' I state blankly.



After I've cleaned up the kitchen and put the clothes in the dryer I make my way upstairs. I check Harrison's room to find him sleeping peacefully, I kiss his forehead and pull the blanket tightly around him due to the cold wind outside. For some reason, I feel like I'm literally drunk. I have to put my hand on the walls to steady me because my eyes can't seem to stay open.

Muhammad is laying on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling, I drop my handbag on the floor and take my hijab off throwing it on the floor.

''You okay?'' Muhammad asks, he knows this isn't me because I usually hate having clothes or things on the floor.

''Yeah,'' I nod. He walks up to and wraps his arms around me.

''I wanna sleep,'' I say, pulling from his embrace.

I grab my pyjamas from my closet and walk off to the bathroom to change. I look at myself in the mirror, the girl in the mirror looks different but she's still me. She looks younger and happy. She doesn't look like a girl who's given birth to a child, she doesn't look like a girl that lost her husband, she doesn't look like a girl whose life is perfect, she looks like a girl who has gone through hardship after hardship , a girl who has put her trust in her Creator, she looks proud and happy. The girl in the mirror smiles at me and I laugh at the sight.

''How was work?'' He asks me when I walk out of the bathroom

''It was great,'' I say getting under the covers.

Muhammad changes from his thobe to his pyjama pants and a singlet before joining me on the bed.

''Why you so tired?''

''Work was tiring,'' I respond. ''Do you know Malik Amir?''

Muhammad nods, ''Why?''

''He says hello to you...'' I don't want to tell him about the history Malik and I have, so I turn away from Muhammad closing my eyes. For some unknown reason, tears begin to stream down my cheeks wetting my pillow. Then something hits me really hard. My mind begins to be filled with memories of the last four months, Malik asking for hand in marriage, me being rejected, my breakdown, Muhammad's proposal, my wedding, my dad's death, my mum's heartbreak-

I can tell Muhammad is sensing that I'm hiding something from him. ''Riyah?''


''Are you crying?'' He asks I shake my head.

Muhammad switches the bedside table lamp on, I squint at the light.

''Did I make you cry?'' Muhammad asks standing from the bed running his hand through his long hair. ''I'm sorry, I'm sorry.''

I turn around to meet his eyes, tears still streaming down my cheeks.

''Alhamdulillah, it's only happy tears, Muhammad.'' I sit up, Muhammad walks over to the bed and sits in front of me. He runs his hand over my cheek wiping away the hot tears.

''If the world was free of problems, paradise would lose its value,'' I state. ''Allah tests us because he loves us not because he wants us to suffer. I've been living most of my life thinking that the loss of my husband had happened because Allah wanted me to suffer, no, no, no. He made me go through that because he loved me, and here I am right now happier than ever. I was wrong my whole life, Allah puts us through hardships to test us and to make us perfect entirely. I can't be happier that Allah has blessed me with you for the rest of my life, may Allah continue our love for each in Jannah insh'Allah.''

I wrap my eyes tightly around his neck before he can respond. He pulls me close and presses a kiss to my forehead. '' I couldn't possibly tell you that how much love there is inside me for you but I can I just take this time and say.. you're the best that has ever happened to me and between all ups and downs our love raised its status and today we're here complete me.''

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