Chapter 14

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Muhammad's POV

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Muhammad's POV

''Your cheating!'' I protest and put the game controller down.

''I'm not cheating!'' Hannah is definitely cheating, she gave the game controller to Jawariayah who can literally play whilst sleeping, she knows all the good tricks and knows how to play like a boss. She hasn't said a word since we started playing, I'm trying but I can't seem to stop arguing with Hannah.

''It's not fair.''

''What do you mean it isn't fair?''

''You gave the game controller to Jawariyah!''


''She's better than me.''


''Shh... Harrison's sleeping!'' It's been ages since I wanted to buy a Wii for Harrison and me, but Jawariyah didn't approve of it until yesterday night when I had made a promise not to let the Wii became Harrison's favourite playground toy.

''I am tired,'' Jawariyah yawned, I had made her face me because I was finally going to convince her that to let me buy a Wii.

''I am tired too!'' I fake yawned, she rolled her eyes and laughed.

''Says the one that slept for twelve hours.'' Long story short, I was planning on working overtime on Friday but I didn't because I put my alarm wrong instead of putting 5 am I put 5 pm and slept until the afternoon.

''I am gonna make a pledge to you,'' By this time, I had no clue what I was doing...

''Is it about me letting you buy a Wii?''

I nodded. ''Yes.''

''I don't like the idea of it because I feel like it's gonna become Harrison's favourite playground toy.'' I clearly understood where she was gonna at...

''I will make sure that it wouldn't happen Insh'Allah.'' It was a promise I was willy to make.

She nodded, ''Okay,''


''Yes, you can buy the Wii.'' One thing I've learned about Jawariyah is that it's hard to convince Jawariayah into something, you just have to find the short route and follow it right.

''THANK YOU-'' I shouted in happiness.

Jawariyah put a finger on my lips silencing me, ''Your gonna wake up Harrison with that loud voice of yours.''

''Feel sorry for your parents,'' Jawariyah puts her game controller on the floor. ''You guys argue way too much!''

''I feel for you Jawa.'' Hannah gets up from the bed and moves over to the floor picking up the Jawariyah's game controller and unpausing the game.

''He's not that bad and besides all he does is eat and sleep,'' Jawariyah replies with a smirk.

''I am amazing!''

''Yeah, whatever...'' Jawariyah says on her way out.

''I love you too!'' I whisper a little bit too loud because Hannah gives me a weird look.

''She didn't even say 'I love you'.''

I shrug my shoulders. ''I know, I was imagining she said it.''

She rolls her eyes and passes me the game controller.


''Hello?'' I've been saying this for about half an hour but the lady keeps ignoring me. She can clearly see me standing here because she keeps looking towards where I'm standing.

''Excuse me?'' I am seriously already frustrated, the lady continues to stare at the computer screen. What sort of school only has one lady running the office who keeps ignoring you?

When I had woken up from my afternoon nap(finished work early), Jawariyah wanted me to drop Harrison's school application to the front office before I go off to mum's house. Now, I'm still waiting for the stupid lady to get up from her seat and acknowledge my presence.

A hand taps on my shoulder, I instantly turn around to face a boy dressed in school uniform. A loose school tie is hanging loosely around his neck and his smiling from ear to ear.

''Is something wrong sir?'' He asks in a soft tone.

''Yes, I've been standing here for a long time waiting for that stupid lady to get off her computer.''

His smile disappears. ''She's not a stupid lady. She's deaf. She can't hear.''

My grip on the school application form loosens and they fall to the floor. Ya Allah! How could I be some ignorant, a lady wouldn't just ignore me like this not if they were doing it intentionally. IT'S BASIC LOGIC.

The boy bends down and picks up the fallen papers and sets them in on the desk behind. I'm standing there glaring at the ground frozen, I can't seem to look up at all.

''I am sorry.'' I manage to say.

''I am sorry,'' I repeat again, this time my eyes meets his.

''It's okay,'' He frowns. ''You wanna apologise to her?''

''Yeah..'' I nod.

''Follow me, sir.'' I do as I'm told. I follow him inside the office, the lady looks up at us when we walk over to her.

He signs something with his hands, the lady signs back with a smile on her face.

'It's okay and may God grant you reward for your patience.'' The boy interprets with a smile on his face.

''Ameen,'' I mumble under my breath.

''God bless your soul son.''

Tears begin to fall from my eyes as I walk outside to the parking lot.

I raise my hands in the air and say to Allah. ''O Allah, forgive me wrongdoings which you know inside and out, and if I do them again, then forgive me again. O Allah, forgive me for not fulfilling those promises I made to myself but did not put them into effect. O Allah, forgive me the mysterious suggestions of the eyes, my bad language, forgetfulness, carelessness, and foolish utterances.''


Assalaam Alaikum,

I wrote the last part because I want to let all of you guys know that Muhammad isn't perfect. Nobody's perfect. 😊

This  question was asked by a reader:

How old r u, sister?


If you guys have any question about me or the book please feel free to comment down below insha'Allah.

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