Chapter 2

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Jawariyah's POV

Sometimes I look at Harrison wishing his father was here too, to see that his little boy has grown up, however, I guess it's impossible because I can't undo something that Allah has already
done. Most nights, I don't go to sleep without making dua to Allah to grant me a righteous husband and an extraordinary father to Harrison. As a mother I want my son to be blessed and to grow up as a perfect son. 

You always have to lose a loved one, but in the end, you have to remember that they were never yours. They belonged to Allah and to him they have returned.

"That's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

I grab the Barbie doll from Harrison, hiding it behind my back ''Do you wanna play with it?'' I ask Harrison, he nods.

"Then you have to share with Aisha or I will take it and hide it. So none of you will play with it, understood?'' Harrison looks over at Aisha sitting on her Haifa's lap crying. ''Ok mummy.'' I give him the doll and watch as he stands over Aisha saying ''Do you wanna share?'' Aisha wipes her tears getting up to hug Harrison, ''Yes, but I get to comb her hair.'' 

Harrison is my everything and without him, I would be like a bird without wings wanting to fly but don't be able to fly.

"Boys don't play with dolls dummy.'' My sister Layla teases coming into the room.

I am so glad that Harrison's too busy playing with Aisha to hear what Layla said because I don't want another fight to erupt right now.

''If you make him cry Layla, I swear I will kill you.'' Layla and Harrison don't get along much-well it's Layla fault that she always has to tease Harrison about everything. This morning after I bought Harrison hot chips after his doctor appointment. She kept on saying to him that the chips were monster hands and if he ate them he would turn into a monster.

''What happens when you eat it, Aunty Layla?'''Harrison asked after Layla ate a chip.

Layla shrugged her shoulders ''Nothing. I just too pretty to be turned into a monster.'' She fluttered her eyelashes at Harrison.

"I am ugly so I will turn a monster?"

" Yes." Layla nodded.

Eventually, I made Layla apologise to Harris and give him his chips back.

'' I am only here to tell you that Malik and his father are already downstairs.'' She says taking a seat on the bed. ''What are you gonna wear?'' She points her over to my friend Haifa who seems to be having problems finding me an abaya for me to wear.

"You need to seriously buy yourself some new clothes," Haifa states, picking out a black abaya with pearls. She examines it for a few minutes and then throws it back in the wardrobe.

I've known Malik for a large portion of my life and he never addressed me, so why is he suddenly interested in me? We went to the same high school and since one of his friends was dating my best friend Maya, we used to hang out at lunch. Like every teenager, I really liked him despite the fact that he was 3 years younger than me. I used to make sure I went to the bathroom to appeal makeup before I went lunch. I generally attempted to begin a conversation with him yet he never acknowledged me, I eventually stopped liking him after he began bullying me. 

"He's grown a beard now and he's actually taller than you." My dad told me after I asked him if Malik was still a dwarf. It's kinda funny because he called himself a dwarf after Layla asked him why he wasn't tall like most of the boys in his year.

"Yep, I like this one!" Haifa waves a simple black abaya in my face.

''I like the other one better.''

''Well, I like this one and who cares what you think.'' Haifa snaps at Layla.

''Rude!'' Layla exclaims. "I am going since no one wants my help." She waved her hand and closing the door.

''Are you sure she's your sister?" Haifa asks sarcastically.

" Yep," I answer grabbing the abaya from her.

"Look after the kids." I point over to Aisha and Harrison who are arguing in the corner of the room.

I not even out of the room when I hear Haifa yelling at Aisha "You want me to call daddy and tell him you've been a naughty girl."

''How does it look?'' I ask Haifa after I finished changing, she gets up from the bed and begins to examine me. ''It looks amazing, now all you need is some foundation, lipstick-''

''I want him to him to see me exactly as I am and besides I don't wear makeup often.'' 

''You are ready?'' Auntie Halima asks peeking into the room since my mum is in Melbourne attending her sister's funeral. Auntie Halima is staying at my house until my mum returns.

I nod.

I nod

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