Chapter 6

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Jawariyah's POV

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Jawariyah's POV

The first thing Mahmoud said to me after I woke up was, ''Let me make you breakfast today.'' Actually, the very first thing he said was, ''You snored like a pig last night.'' It was true that I do snore like a pig but it is also true that he snores like a goat, which is worse than me.

I turned around and faced my annoying husband. ''You gonna make me toast with butter?''

''No, it's a surprise.'' He opened a cupboard and picked out a small frypan. ''Shoo or you gonna ruin the surprise.''

I stuck my tongue at him and made my way upstairs. I had already brushed my teeth and made my bed so I decided to distract myself with a few games of candy crush,

After I had played a few rounds of candy crush I decided to go and check to see if Mahmoud had not burned the kitchen down yet but he was already done, all the plates were washed and the kitchen was polished neatly.


''Mummy?'' I turn around to sound of someone calling me. The scent of eggs are down the drain and the kitchen has disappeared from my sight, there's no Mahmoud. I am back in my bedroom laying down next to Harrison.

''What is it, honey?'' Harrison rolls over on the bed to face me.

'' I miss daddy!'' Harrison was only one year old when his father passed away and he and his father were really close and it was painful to see him lose a person that he was intended to love and take care of for the rest of his life.

''I miss him too.'' I am trying to hold back my tears but I have held back my tears and now the pain is gaining up. So I let my tears fall, I let them fall down on my cheeks, I let them soak my pillow.


''Why?'''I ask watching as mum places two bowls of cereal in front of me. One filled with milk and other with yoghurt. ''I told you that I am not ready to be rejected again.''

She folds her arms, looking annoyed at me. ''What is making think that you're gonna get rejected again?'' This morning, mum got a call from aunty Selena that she and her family is coming over to my house today afternoon since her son Muhammad is looking for a wife and she thinks I will be a good match for him. But I rejected that on the other hand cause I know that he will too think that I still have feelings for my dead husband.

''I don't want to be hurt over and over again.''

With a nod, mum hands me the bowl of cereal and yoghurt. I hold the bowl and wait for her to say something but the only thing she says is, ''Eat up, they're coming soon.''

I try a spoonful and instead of it tasting sweet and delicious, it tastes like tears, my tears, the ones that I can't seem to shed any more.

''Who this one for?'' I ask, gesturing towards the other cereal bowl.

''It's mine!'' I turn around to see Mariam walking into the room with aunty Selena's daughter Hannah trailing behind her. Hannah has been here since this yesterday and she's been following Maryam like a lost puppy.

''As Salaam Alaikum.'' She says, pulling a stool from under the bench, taking a seat next to me.

''Wa Alaikum Salaam,'' I reply shifting a little in my seat. I am very known to be awkward with strangers especially if it someone who might become a very important person in my life.

''Your son's so cute Mash'Allah!'' I smile at her taking another spoon of my cereal.

''Thanks,'' I mutter a little later after I decided that smiling at her didn't give a very good impression of me.

''Cute but very deadly.'' Maryam injects herself into the conversation.

''Should you be getting ready right now?'' Hannah asks.

''Yeah.'' I quietly finished my cereal before I make my way upstairs.

'' I quietly finished my cereal before I make my way upstairs

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