Chapter 8

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Guess what guys? ... This book won first place in the dreamer awards and I still can't believe it! 

I am ..speechless I-I can't believe I won first place *takes a breath*I got the message when I was in the library and as soon as I saw that I won, I literally screamed.  I came home and  I had to tell my entire family. Thank you so much... I can't express how much winning this meaning to me especially knowing that people read and enjoy something that I've taken time to write.

Thank you so much to the judge who decided that I deserve first place!

Thank Allah for making my dream come true and  I pray to Him that this will inshÁllah lead to something bigger in the future.

I am not supposed to update today.. but I was so excited to tell you guys the news and I thought I would be amazing to give something back to my readers by updating earlier than usual.


Muhammad's POV

The kebab shop is crammed with men with their wives and kids in bright school uniform.

I am looking around for empty tables for Harrison and me to sit when Harrison points out and says. ''That one uncle!'' He points towards the back table, that is facing the window.

He still doesn't know that I am soon gonna be his father which is in about a fortnight, so he calls me uncle and keeps asking me how's never seen be before but Jawariyah wants it to be a surprise for him so I've left it to her to tell him the good news.

I wasn't expecting Jawariyah to be like every girl who I had been rejected but- I was completely wrong because she turned out to tick all my boxes and I couldn't be happier. It was when I just arrived at their house when Harrison came to me and asked if I had a cat which led to a long conversation about how excited he is to start school next year. It wasn't after I had left the house I found out that Harrison was Jawariyah's son.

We take a seat and I begin to ask him what he wants to eat: he takes the menu and starts running a hand on his chin and then a tear falls down his cheeks.

''You okay?'' I stand up and move over to his side taking a seat next to him and putting my hands around him.

''What is it?'' Another tear falls down his cheek-Did I do anything wrong? I don't remember him saying something and me ignoring him.

''I miss daddy.'' I am shocked, his crying because he misses his father ... I choke and tears fall down my cheek.

''Please don't cry!'' He pleads and I nod and wipe away the tears.

''What do you wanna eat?'' I ask trying to keep my emotions in check.

 Like nothing happened, Harrison's back to being himself, ''I want what you want!'' I chuckle and nod.

We end up ordering kebab rolls, chicken pizza and drinks.

"You play any sport?" I ask taking a bite of my kebab roll.

"I told mummy to let me join the soccer club but she keeps saying insha'Allah but always forgets." He sips his apple juice and smiles at me.

"Oh okay."

"Last year, I didn't eat for six hours for Ramadan and she bought a Xbox.'' I chuckle.

"Are you gonna fast this Ramadan?''

He nods and for the rest of the time we eat in silence, I am just amazed at how Jawariyah raised up such an amazing child.


"You wanna go to the masjid?" I ask, he nods and takes my hand.

We pray Maghrib before I decided to finally buy him ice cream.

His dancing around as we wait for our ice cream.

"Haven't you ate ice cream before?" I ask as I gave him his ice cream.

"Yes, mummy always buys me ice cream but- I love making the face." As soon as he licked the ice cream, he closes his eyes and his cheeks raise.

I smile and lick my vanilla ice cream.

"Let's sit down and finish our ice cream." We take a seat outside the ice cream cafe.

"Are you my uncle?" He asks again.


He nods and then smiles, " Are you Grandma's older brother?''

I laugh, ''How old do you think I am?''

''Um....thirty-two,'' He smiles and then shrugs his shoulders. Thirty-two? Do I look that old?

''What makes you think I am that old?''

''Mummy is twenty-seven and're old then my mum.''

I wipe away the ice cream on his chin and smile at him. ''If I was your grandma's older brother than I would be your mum's uncle, not yours.''

''Oh okay but why do I call you uncle when you're not my uncle?''


I am just about the turns the light off and go to bed when my phone rings.

I look at the ID; Jawariyah

I smile and pick it up.

The voice at the other end of the side doesn't belong to Jawariyah.

It's Harrison's voice.

''Hi dad!'' I can hear the shock in his voice, did Jawariyah tell him already?

''Hey Harrison, how are you?''

''I just found out that you're gonna be my d-d-dad.'' I nod and forget that he can't see me so I reply with something that brings tears to my eyes, '' Yes and I can't be happier that I get to me a f-father to the most amazing child I've ever met.''

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