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I still can't believe that I actually finished writing yours, completely and that I actually wrote twenty chapters, not fifteen or eighteen chaps.

I could have never finished this book without people pushing me and supporting my writing especially when I was annoying them by asking for chapter ideas and what to add to make the story much better during my writer's block.

And it's all thanks to the following people: my awesome readers, my parents, my siblings, my teachers at school for encouraging me to continue writing, my friends and everyone who has read a piece of my book. Thank you to Allen Lau and Ivan Yuen for creating such a beautiful website that I've been able to share my crazy stories with the world and making me realise that my stories are worthy of reaching 1K and maybe in the future insha'Allah 1M.

I would also like to thank Allah for giving me the time and brain to write this crazy on wattpad and for blessing me with every little thing in my life. Thank you, Ya Allah. 


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