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Three days seeing Daniel, and I've already got to rescue him. Not what I had planned. For the entire day, since four am, I've been practicing my magic to stop the change to Daniel. My head hurt, mostly because I am doing something right for the first time in my entire life. Whenever demons do anything good a severe headache occurs until they stop. One demon died because he did something nice to an angel once. I ignored the pain, and practiced my magic again.

I went to Walgreens to steal a few items. The items are located in the back where only demons and angels can see and go, it is called a Vangreeese. The door had a clearing of marcals, so I quickly went in. The owner of the Vangreese has never seen me steal anything before, mostly because angels own stores, not demons. If I ran a store, I would keep everything for myself honestly.

Marcals swarmed in the regular store, while I tried to get out. It put a thirteen minute delay on my time.

I first had to get on a train to go across Indiana to Kentucky. The changes always happen in Kentucky, Alabama, or Wshington D.C. Once the train made it to Kentucky I walked to a car dealership, and stole a car to drive to Lexington. In Lexington there is a bank called Bank of Lexington. It's an easy bank to vanish into another Room.

In this Room the walls were all white with death equipment lining the rims. On one of the walls stood a door. It was brown with greenery woven into it. The door reminded me of a mystical forest portrait. Slowly, I walked to the door and went into another room. Inside this room, was red splatter paint with a white base color. The room looked like a blood field. In the corner of the room stood a desk higher than my shoulder. Sitting in the desk was a woman who looked twenty-one, but was probably around her hundreds, because we don't age. She looked at me and her wings went higher then my eyes could see, "What do you want?!"

"Er... um... I..." I studdered.

"Please madam I have work that needs to be done."

"Where is Daniel?"

She locked her brown eyes with mine and then, they went huge. Her mouth dropped to the floor, as she picked up a phone. Wrinkles lined her tan forehead as she spoke.

"Sir, a demon girl has come to see him," the woman croaked through her now dry throat. The women pushed a lock of brown hair away from her face to examine my face features. It was awkward. Very awkward. After a few moments of intense starring, she started on the phone again. I couldn't here what was said over the phone next, but it didn't sound good.

"Stay calm. Stay calm." I told myself only loud enough for my ears. My head throbbed. The ache was now in my spine, and making it's way to my legs. To stop the pain, I pounced on her desk and ripped the phone from the woman's hands. She yelped.

I heard the man stammering on the other end, but I interrupted, "Sir, where is Daniel!"

"Who is this?" The man demanded.

"If you don't tell me now, you will wish you never knew!"

"Oooh, your the demon. I am so sorry miss, but Daniel can not be receiving any visitors today."

The phone burst into flames as my anger took control. I flew past the greenerized gateway with my wings to the change cells. My eyes scanned for numbers, and Daniels face in each and every cell. Finally I found him. He was in the third to last cell on the right side. His cell number is 45762.

I pounded on the glass of the cell until  he looked at me, and rose to his feet. A smile spread across his pale white face. The glass was demon proof, so only he could pass through. When he got out of the cell he wrapped his arms around my neck. His body was warm and muscular. Instead of hugging back, I pushed him away. His smile faded, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to stop you from doing a change!" I yelled angrily.

"It is my dicision, not yours!"

"Please, don't do it. It's not worth it."

"Your rescue mission failed, okay, I am not changing my mind."

"If you don't do it I will do anything you want me to for you."



"Be my girlfriend."

I agreed, and we left. The idea was risky, since it is for real, but I think I have it under control.

We walked past the lady at the desk while holding hands. She jumped up and screamed for the guards. Quickly I said, "Why, can't demons and angels be friends? I mean, we're not together, just good friends."

Daniel smiled at me. He squeezed my hand tighter, but I deadlegged him so the guards would think I did not love him. It worked. The guards left without another word, but still starring intently. I didn't help him up instead I said, "I don't wanna hold hands anymore."

"Okay." He agreed.

We walked out without another word. Me and him flew back to Indiana at night in the clouds. The breeze felt wonderful on my face. Daniel talked most the time about his angel life.

"Next time you will not stop me from changing, okay?" He demanded.

"So your saying there's a next time?" I asked.

"I just have this gut feeling that I am going to be demon."

"You don't have to do it for me ya'know?"

"I would do anything for you, Diana."

"You'll regret saying you'll do anything for me. Trust me."

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