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Night came quick. All the red, orange, and yellow faded into blue, purple, and black. The crescent moon glowed brightly in the sky making it easy to see in the clouds.

Marry flew infront leading the way with the moving map in her hands. Daniel kept kicking Robert's knee as they flew second to last infront of Josh. When I looked back at Robert and Daniel, Robert gave me a small smile, then dropped Daniel. I stopped and pointed at the falling body angrily. Robert pursed his lip, then dove for Daniel. Josh, Marry, and me kept flying, ignoring the loud fights between between Daniel and Robert. I couldn't take the telling and banging behind me anymore, so I smacked Robert in the face and grabbed Daniel by the ankle.

"I'm gonna kill you," I eyed Robert. He smirked, and flew infront of Marry to talk to me. "You speak to me, you die!"  Robert bit his lip, while Marry punched the back of his head, so he'll get behind her.

"Have girls always been this violent?" I heard Robert.

"Try living with two of them," Josh answered annoyed.

Marry flew up beside me. She nudged my shoulder, and smiled. I looked at her, but she was gone. Instead all I saw was cloud. It filled my vision. My eyes scanned everywhere, looking for her. I locked my eyes on a tiny building with two figures on it. They were wrestling eachother. As I squirmed my eyes, I noticed one figure was Marry. She fighting Classification. His dark skin gave him a slihoute in the dark. My heart pounded as I dove for both of them, Daniel's ankle still in my hands. I landed on my feet, dropping Daniel beside me. Josh and Robert followed.

"Marry!" I yelled. She held Classification's neck in her hands, "Let him go!"

"Why!" Marry answered turning her head slightly toward me.

"He's her friend, Marry!" Daniel interrupted. She loosened her grip on Classification. There was an awkward silence between everyone.

"Diana?" Classification asked stepping toward me.

Without answering him I ordered, "We'll change him too."

Marry snarled at me as she flew into the air with Classification's ankle in her right hand. I quickly followed her, while also grabbing Daniel's ankle. He hit his head on the rooftop while he flipped in my arms. His limp body dangled underneath me.

Josh and Robert talked about demon academy, and how they had a hatred and love for it. Weird. I loved demon academy, only because of the monster fighting classes where I got to 'kill' Robert. I also had a hatred for the academy, because they're trying to hint and kill us down right now.

"Here," Marry choaked out while pointing to a tiny building. It looked black, maybe because it was night, but it still looked black as a raven. A magical entryway stood in the front. I gulped. Somehow, we would have to get four demons, and two monsters through the door without being seen. Not to mention we were all wanted except Clarification for now.

Josh swooped down to stand infront of the door. He knocked on the door three times. We waited, until a angel woman came out. She had beautiful, brown skin, black, slick hair, and big, green eyes. Her outfit consist of a white jumpsuit with lots of jewelry.

Josh gave the woman a small smile, before knocking her unconscious with a potion, because a demon can't punch an angel unconscious. Robert was the first to fly past Josh to go into the room. Marry threw Classification inside hard. I flew in last. It was cold inside. My eyes examined my terrain. It, like the last changing room, had death equipment lining the walls, with one wall having a greenery door. At the right corner stood a desk that stood higher than my shoulder. The woman, who was now unconscious on the floor, would have sat in the desk.

I walked to the greenery door, and shoved it open. Rooms filled the long halls for miles. Following my instincts, I motioned for the rest to follow me down the center hall, and knowing I am usually never wrong, there it was. The changing rooms. Blood stained every wall. I couldn't help but to gag.

"Does anyone actually know how to do this procedure?" Marry asked.

"I think I read a book on it once," I answered fairly quick. Everyone looked at me eyes wide and said, "You actually READ!"

I tilted my head to indicate my confusion, until it dawned on me. Only angels read. Zeus is my grandfather though, so it can't be that weird. I ignored all the stares I got and shoved Daniel into a cellar.

"This might hurt just a little," I grinned.

First, I have to take out all of his monster blood. While going over the first instruction in my head, I stuck a long needle into Daniel's right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, and finally, his neck. Blood stained into the tiny tubes. It went into a huge sack at the top of the cellar. Daniel's head dangled as the color slowly faded from his body. Ghost like features, almost.

Second, put the demon blood/liquid into the body. The second instruction seemed easier then the first, because I  didn't have to do anything except change the monster blood sack to the demon blood sack. The blood went slowly into Daniel's lifeless body. It was mallasas. Color started to arise in his cheeks first. His eyes, dimmed from the bright mummy green, to his normal green. I rubbed Daniel's hair as he groaned in pain. For not liking the him, I sure did feel sorry for him.

Third, I have to beat him until the blood/liquid sinks into his skin. The last part I loathed. It is a very dangerous and brutal. I could die. It is very hard for a newborn demon to control their first minute of their new life. They are known to kill the first living object they see. I gulped down my cowardness, and grabbed the whip. My breathed got shorter. My demon blood rushed to my hands, and I reeled the whip back, closed my eyes, yet I couldn't do it. No, you can do Diana. I tried encouraging myself. It worked, because without me knowing it, the whip slapped Daniel's back hard. My hands were tightly gripped around the handle almost making them red as Daniel's new blood. It poured from his back. He didn't yelp as I didn't again, and again, and again.

After sixty times, the blood settled into Daniel's skin. He broke out of the long needles that were supposed to hold him down. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hands were tightly balled up in fists. Our eyes met. He growled and ran over to me, holding me throat tightly with his hands. Quickly, he slammed me against the floor. Prices of tile cracked. I smiled and grabbed his elbow, slung him around before throwing him in the air. As he came back down my hand wrapped around his thick throat making his landing harder than he  expected. While he was in shock of the hard drop, I kicked his side.

"Wait, stop!" Daniel yelled. I helped him up to his feet. He examined everything intently. "This is awsome, I... I can see everything!" Happiness filled his green eyes.

For some weird reason, I hugged him. He hugged me back confused. "You love me?"

"As a friend," I answered.

"Oh, come on, I know you love me!" He is as stubborn as he was as an angel. To shut him up, I kissed his cheek slightly. He froze. I smiled, and went to go change Classification.


Classification was easy to change too. He wasn't hard at the end either. I found out his name is Kyle Bronswag. Kyle had special powers of making people see what he wanted them to see, like an ocean, or a forest without it actually being there. If one demon has that power, it must mean I also have that power because I am the granddaughter of Zeus and Hades. Daniel, however, does not think he has any powers. I think he is wrong.

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