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I saw everything. The blue/grey sky; the pure white clouds; the never ending grass. Everything. In the middle of the grass stood Tina, though she is only four in this memory I'm in, she looked madly evil. Her eyes are deathly red, with blood staining from her mouth to her blue, now purple, shirt. Dark black semi-circles framed the bottom of her eyes. Tina did have Daniel's eyes. They were beautifully green around the pupil, but a brownish color skimming the very outer portion of the iris. She also had messy brown hair like Daniel, which is tied up in a bun with flyaways everywhere (it bothered me).

Tina scowled at me. Wait me? I turned around to see another person scowling straight in my direction. For a moment, I forgot I was in her memory.

The person behind me looked madly evil too. She had messy curls that were blonde. Her eyes though, were violet. Very pretty color to complement her pale skin, unlike Tina. That's what separates Tina from Daniel: Tina is tan, Daniel is pale.

"You brought this upon yourself!" The girl with the violet eyes yelled to Tina. Tina scowled at her showing her pearly white teeth. Against Tina's tan skin, her teeth were majestically white. It amazed me.

"You're dead," I could hear Tina say under her breath. Quickly, I turned around to look at the violet eyed girl. That is when I noticed she had a white crystal twirling along all her slim fingers. Her violet eyes made her look tough, but the way she is built says otherwise.

Before I knew they charged at eachother. Tina blocked a whip of the violet eyed girl's crystal as it flung close to her face. I am in the middle of the fighting. Literally, they pass right threw me with every punch, kick, slap, etc. Honestly the feeling is making me dizzy. A fist rushed threw my shoulder to punch Tina in the jaw. She stumbled backward. Another blow came, but this time, in her stomach. Tina had enough and lunged at her opponent near the waist, bringing them both down onto the grass. The violet eyed girl keeps trying to grab her white crystal, which flung out of her hand when Tina lunged on her, but Tina keeps kneeing her beautiful face making her wince in pain and forget the crystal. She still tried again, though. Once Tina finally was done kneeling the violet eyed girl in the face, she grabbed the crystal, and stuck it straight into the girls neck. I gagged, almost throwing up at that. Blood stained the grass and the crystal. Tina's lips trembled as she pulled the crystal out of the violet eyed girl's neck. It turned black as she brought it to her side and stood up. Every scar cleared up on her quickly. I took a step closer to her to see that tears now decorate her face.

Before I knew what was coming, a figure in a black hood knocked Tina to her back. She almost passed out at the blow, yet she managed a hard kick to the neck of the hooded figure. It stumbled back a few steps. Tina didn't have time to recover because once she was on her elbows ready for another kick, the hooded figure came from behind her and yanked her beautiful, long, white, glittering wings off. She screamed in pain. Tina's
four year old self is louder than anyone I've ever heard scream. A puddle of blood, trailed along while the hooded figure walked to lay the wings on a large rock near the edge of the big cleared out circle of the forest. Tina is still screaming, though the high ranged pitch had gone from bursting eardrums to crazy highschooler yelling. The hooded figure to off the hood too dramatically. It was like watching a short five second movie. Under the magectical black hood was a man with dark brown skin with black hair pulled into a bun. He had piercings all over his face. All of the pearcings had one thing in common though, they all had a bright blue stone in the middle.

"Come my sweety," he said, "I can make the pain go away."

Tina gave a weak four year old nod. Before she could even take back her words, the man circled around Tina making all the trees bend in our direction. Suddenly water rose from the nearby river and floated into the man-made tornado. Little droplets outlined Tina's face beautifully. Suddenly, it all stopped. The trees; the water; the wind; the leaves. All of it in a flash of light.

"You are a Siren now Tina, use these powers with grate responsibilities," the man said smiling, "oh and I think I hear your lunch right now."

Tina's nostrils flaired as Daniel appeared.

I couldn't watch anymore, so I left Tina's memory to come back to, horrible as ever, reality. Daniel sat next to me. I didn't notice until a few seconds that my head is leaning on Daniel's right shoulder. He had one hand around my, also, right shoulder. A blanket covered my legs while a fire, that is five feet away, is plenty warm. Before any awkward love stuff happens, I scrambled out of Daniel's arm and stood up.

"I'm starving!" I announced.

"You've been out for three days," Daniel said trying to hold back tears. The fire elaborated his entire face making Daniel look ten years older than he is.

"What?" I questioned. I turned around to see if Marry or Josh could give me an explanation, but they couldn't.

"Look..." Marry started but trailed off quickly.

Josh stepped in front of me and exhaled, "Tina took Kyle to the monster hideout hoping that we would trade you for him."

"But we would never do that!" Daniel blurted out. How could I sleep through that! I thought.

"Daniel thought her memory put some kind of curse on you or something. He wined like a baby for you to wake up." Marry laughed while cooking a rabbit.

"Where's Robert?!" I said looking around.

"He... um..." Josh, like Marry trailed off. "Tina also tried to bring you in, but Robert fought her off until we came. We sort of came in time, I guess. Daniel, he died saving you."

Josh's words burned into me. Drilling a whole deep into me body. Air seemed to be leaving my lungs. Daniel ran over to me before I fainted, thankfully. His hands brought air back into my lungs again, but my brain still repeated Josh's words over in my head, "he died saving you."

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