The men in black

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I was just arriving back to my tribe from a short and successful hunt. My village was small, having only 25 members. But I loved them all as if they were my own blood. The hunt allowed me to catch 15 rabbits for everyone in the village to eat. It was a beautiful day as the sun shined high above us and the blue sky was covered in clouds. As I rode into my village

I spotted 10 of the tribes young children running up to me with smiles on their young faces as they greeted me at the entrance

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I spotted 10 of the tribes young children running up to me with smiles on their young faces as they greeted me at the entrance. With a cheerful laugh, I jumped down off of my horse and crouched down, and attempted to hug all of them in a big hug. We were all laughing and smiling at one another. "Hoe was jou jag ouer suster?" (How was your hunt older sister?) a young boy named Kunta asked me as he was jumping up and down with excitement. I smiled at him and stood back up straight and held up the 15 rabbits I had caught that morning proudly.

They all cheered in joy and we're jumping around in excitement. Happily, I gave each child one rabbit for their family and told them to run along but just as Kunta was about to run off with the other children he stopped and turned to me "Die hoofman soek jou, en hy het 2 vreemde mans by hom gehad wat in swart geklee was."(The chief is looking for you, and he had 2 strange men with him dressed in black.) Kunta informed me before running home.

Startled by the news I swiftly mounted my horse and quickly rode to my father's hut. I jumped off and ran inside slamming the curtain to the side that blocked the main entrance. There standing in front of my father I saw 2 men clad in black suits talking to my father. I glared at them and swiftly made my way to my father's side "Vader, is U in orde? Ek is ingelig dat jy my soek.Wie is hierdie mans? Hoekom het hulle hierheen gekom?" (Father, are you alright? I was informed that you were looking for me. Who are these men? Why have they come here? ) "Dit gaan goed met my kind. Ek was inderdaad op soek na jou.Hierdie mans het gekom om jou te vind my dogter" (I am fine my child. I was indeed searching for you. These men have come to find you my daughter) I looked at the men in black with a glare that could kill. "Who are you and why have you come for me" I snapped in English. The tall black man jumped at my sharp English seeming startled.

"You speak English?!" he exclaimed.

The older man sighed and shook his head at his partner and took off his glasses "idiot" he mumbled under his breath

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The older man sighed and shook his head at his partner and took off his glasses "idiot" he mumbled under his breath.

The older man sighed and shook his head at his partner and took off his glasses "idiot" he mumbled under his breath

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"Good afternoon ma'am, i'm agent K and this is my partner agent J. We work with the providers of immigration services and regulators of all things alien. We would like you to come with us." The older man stated bluntly. Swiftly I grabbed my weapon holding it in front of me as I stepped in front of my father.

 Swiftly I grabbed my weapon holding it in front of me as I stepped in front of my father

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"Now why would I go with you" I snarled at him. Agent K didn't seem the least bit concerned while his partner seemed to be nervous as his eye stayed on my blade "K" the man called out.

"Well, ma'am you see there is a special military group that is going off world to another planet that has natives that we have discovered to be very similar to your people and the government would like you to go to Pandora and learn and befriend the natives. If you go with us we can assure you that your people will be safe from harm and anything that can hurt them" agent k stated not missing a beat.

I looked down in thought. For year's I had longed for an adventure. This could be my chance to truly find where I belong. I could go to a new world where there is a tribe like my own and help my people. I listed off the pros and cons before quickly coming to a conclusion. I had finally made up my mind. I looked up at them. "I'll go," I said.

Little did I know that what I had just agreed to was not even close to what I signed up for.

If any of the language is wrong I'm sorry! I'm using a website to translate English to Afrikaans.

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