i wanna be equals

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Hey beautiful people, Let me say first I'm not dead, I'm very much alive lol. But I'm sorry for not updating I've been busy with school. So as an apology I created the art work up top for u to enjoy!

Published 2/20/19

My eyes widen and I gasped turning my head over in the direction of the voice. Grabbing the knife i had on my hip pointing it at the voice.  My eyes went back to their Normal size as I see Jakes avater leaning against a near by tree.

I took a deep breath in "Fuck Jake, trying to get your self killed" I asked setting my knife back in it make shift holster.

"Not like you would kill me" Jake said walking over to me with a leaf in hand. A toothy smile plastered on his face.

He handed it to me,  on the leaf was a bunch of berries.  I looked up to Jake with a small smile. "Thank you" I told him and began to eat.

I then noticed that Atxkxe-tirea was gone.  My eyes quickly scanned the area trying to locate the large blue animal.  Finding nothing to tell me where she went.

"What's wrong Sol" Jake asked me sitting down next to me leaning against my tree.

"I don't know where tirea is" I told jake using my nick name I gave her.

"Wait you mean that giant sacred creature that you ran off on" Jake questioned?

"Yes that one,  was she here when you got here" I asked quickly looking at him.

"When I got here,  I only found you" Jake said.

"By the way,  why did you run off" he questioned?

I looked down at my lap where the now empty leaf was.  " I just.... I couldn't stand the way they acted towards me" I whispered.

"What!  But shouldn't you be used to it,  I mean you are from a tribe and you are the daughter of a chief" Jake said flabbergasted.

"I know I am,  but before I bonded with tirea I wasn't treated like royalty for the first time in my life.  I was treated as an equal.  Not someone important.  And..... And I liked  that.  No I loved that" I said tears coming to my eyes.

"All my life,  I've been treated like royalty,  the only reason I am the way I am Is because I fought to get this way.  Women in my tibe are supposed to be wife's not Warriors" tears now ran down my face and I brought my hands up to hold my self.

Soon I felt another set of arms wrap around my frame and pull me close to a strong chest.  I looked up at Jake in shock.

"It's alright Sol,  it's just you and me here,  you can let it out,  I won't judge you" Jake whispered hugging me tighter.

That broke me,  I broke down sobbing, I held onto Jake tightly.

But little did I know that we were being watched.

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