Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily

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Published 10/2/19

3rd person point of view

The roots of the Sacred tree grew dark.

"Did it work?" Jake asked frantically crawling over to sol's avatar body.

Sol's avatar's body showed no signs of life.

A Grimm look came over Mo' at's face.

" her wounds were too great. It was not enough time". Mo' at stated grimly.

Tsu'tey held sol's body to his tightly, sobs racking his body. Tears pouring down his face.

"Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily"

A weak voice whispered startling everyone.

Tsu'tey let out a gasp in shock as he felt weak arms slowly wrap around him.

He jerked his body back, his eyes wide in shock. Seeing the set of beautiful eyes he fell in love with staring back at him.

Tsu'tey pulled sol to him in a tight hug, bearing his face deep into her neck.  Sol let out a giggle before hugging him back just as tightly.

Sol then felt multiple sets of strong warm arms wrap around her still slightly weak form tightly,  she lifts her head off of Tsu'tey to see that the new set of arms belong to Neytiri, Jake, Norm, and Grace.

Mo' at stood off to the side watching the happy reunion of mates and friends. Silently sending a thank you prayer to Eywa.

All of the faced had tears streaming down them.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Grace shouted.

"We all thought you were dead, you almost gave me a heart attack, you idiot" grace scolded trying and failing to hold back her tears and smile.

"Sorry grace, I'll try to keep it in mind next time." I giggled before realizing something.

I felt my face grow hot.

"Uhhh guys not to ruin the moment or anything but..im.uh kinda naked here" I stated.

Immediately everyone but tsu'tey released me. He had quickly stood in front of me to make sure no one got a view of my naked body.

Mo' at came over to me with a blanket and covered me.

"You might feel a little unstable but you should be fine in about an hour or so" grace stated.

I nodded with a smile.

"So, does this mean im a full Navi now" I questioned her.

She nodded with a smile, " there's no turning back now kid" she stated, already knowing that I wouldn't change it for the world.

I then looked to Jake, he slowly came over to me again and gave me a big brotherly hug. "Thank Eywa your ok, I don't think I could do this without you sol." He whispered his arms tightening around me.

I hugged him back just as tight, "I still gotta get that asshole back for shooting me. No one and I mean no one gets away with shooting me" I stated with a smirk.

Jake let out a breathy laugh, "Glad you being in a new body didn't change you, " he stated releasing me from the hug.

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