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Published 12/2/18
   I froze in my spot I made no sudden moves.  Right in front of me on the other side of the tree standing on a branch was a large creature I had never seen before.  It was largely about the size of a full-grown Thanator. It was covered in feathers and fur and even scales!  The body was different shades of blue with some purple.  It had 4 large yellow-green eyes with large sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth.  It had a long tail and stood on six legs.

  It had a long tail and stood on six legs

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(Not my art, found it on Google)

   I had no weapon on me. I had left them all back in the training area.  I shuffled back minding how far I could out.  I was still up in a tree on a branch.  The creature jumped over me landing on the same branch I was on.  I quickly moved back closer to the tree getting a stronger hold on the wood feeling the branch bounce at the new weight. The creature took slow small steps to me.  It cocked it's head to the side staring at me.  I closed my eyes waiting for it to something.  I jumped feeling a heavyweight drop onto my lap. 

   I opened my eyes in shock.  The creature's head was laying in my lap.  Its body was in front of me.  I was frozen in shock,  this creature that I had never seen before or have read about was cuddled up to me.  I slowly bring one hand to its head. Just as I touched it I pulled my hand away when it flinched before slowly trying to touch it again this time there was no flinching.  I slowly ran my finger through its feathers.  They were so soft. I stayed there for a few moments studying the creature.

   I gasped sitting up straight startling the creature. I had just remembered I had patrol tonight with tsu'tey.  I quickly got out from underneath the creature and quickly made my way down the tree.  As soon as I hit the ground I took off into a sprint the same way I came.  I reached the filed I was in earlier and saw it was empty.  I froze.  They left me.  I looked down at the ground clenching my fist. How could they leave without me? How was I to get back? I felt a bump hit me.

I stumbled forward and spun around.  The creature from before sat in front of me.  I froze as we had a staredown. It slowly layer down and growled at me. It used its head to gesture to it's back.  It wanted me to ride it. I slowly move closer to it's back.  I very slowly get onto it's back making sure I was ok.  One of its feathery antennas moved to my braid.  It wanted to make a connection.  I slowly grabbed my braid and it's antenna I closed my eyes.  I brought them together I gasped in shock.  When I opened my eyes they were not my own.

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