fire (IMPORTANT A/N!!)

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Published 9/3/19
I'm publishing this because idk when I'll be able to get the next chapter up, I'm hoping to keep updating once a week like I've been. But tommorow on September 4th I'm going back to high school. This year ill be a junior. So I'll be very busy with school work. But I swear on everthing I am that, I will NOT discontinue this book. I will not stop till this book is done. It would be so unfair to all of you who love this story so much. Ik that there are many errors but I plan on editing it after I finish the story. But just be prepared and stick with me if I don't update for 2 or 3 weeks. I'm hoping that it won't take that long but u never know what the future holds.


"We tried to stop them" grace tried to help.

I felt my heart shatter in my chest. I looked away from tsu'tey to the ground. I felt numb.

Is-is this what it feels like when your heart breaks?

I was oblivious to everthing going on around me. Until I was forced onto my knees and my arms being binded.

I snapped out of my trance remembering that all theses lives were at risk.

" You have to go! They're coming!" I pleaded. Only to be ignored. As they dragged us outside of home tree and restrained us.


My arms were bounded behind my head. Infront of me stood a warrior. His knife held tightly against my throat.

"Run to the forest! They're coming!" Jake tried to get them to leave.

I looked at tsu'tey. "Please, please leave, I can't watch you die" I begged!
He glanced at me, we held eye contact for a moment before he looked away, betrayal clear in his beautiful eyes.

"God Dammit Tsu'tey! You need to leave! What do you think will happen when they come?! You can't beat guns with arrows!! You just can't please! Believe me! Please!" I begged tears threatening to appear again.

He didn't speak, he didn't even look at me.

"If I'm going to die, you must know this......................... It was all real. Every single moment, it all means/ment everything to me........I love you tsu'tey" I whispered, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

This time he looked at me. His eyes held Want. But not the lustful want, no it was that he wanted to believe me, he wanted to believe that I didn't know that this was going to happen. He want to believe my words.

But fear for his people and his hatred for the sky people clouded his judgement.

I looked up hearing the sound of aircraft engine's.

Jake, grace and I began to frantically try to get them to leave. Not a single one glanced back at us.

All their eyes glued onto the oncoming horror.

I watched in horror as tsu'tey along with other warrior ran back into home tree.

"NO" I screamed out to tsu'tey.

I watched as smoke grenades shot out into home tree.

I could hear the screams of the people inside.

I fought against my restraints harder. Desperately trying to break free.

The omaticaya started shooting arrows at the large aircrafts.

"NO" I screamed in horror as missels shot down at home tree.

I could see home tree erupting into flames starting at the roots.

My chest tightened knowing tsu'tey was in home tree.

"TSU'TEY"I screamed out, even more frantically fighting against my restraints.

Tears poored down my face.

I then spotted Mo'at coming towards us, a knife in her hand. Tears were pooring down her face.

She put the knife next to jakes neck.

Grace was trying to stop mo'at from killing jake.

"If you are one of us,..... Help us" she begged cutting him lose.

Then she cut grace and I lose.

I shot off towards the burning roots spotting injured omaticaya everywhere. All of them running and screaming in fear and pain

I had found a young girl and put her on my back. I froze in my place hearing two young voices cries for help inside the fire. Spotting a passing female I handed the young girl to her, quickly telling them to run to the trees, before leaving them and running into the fire. Being mindful of the flames and falling wood.

Following the cries I spotted two figures huddled in a corner, flames surrounding them. Not caring If I got burned. I jumped over the flames. Getting infront of the two small figures.

My heart broke seeing T'challa and his older sister Imani. They were coughing and crying. While holding onto eachother for dear life.

They starred up at me in shock. I quickly put imani on my back telling her to hold on tight, as I carried T'challa in my arms.

Turning around seeing that the fire had grown more intense. "Hang on" I commanded. Running into the red flames.

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