I was sent here to

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Published 8/20/19

TWO CHAPTERS PUBLISHED IN ONE DAY! This is a gift to you amazing readers!  Thank you so much for all your support!  I never thought in a million years that so many people would like this book!  I'm so greatful to all of you!

When we explained to eytukan and the whole tribe what had happened. Fury and sadness erupted through everyone. 

Eytukan was now talking of war.

"Tsu'tey will lead the war party" Eytukan stated and tsu'tey along with the rest of the tribe let out battle cries.  I felt fear erupt in my heart.  They couldn't attack,  if they did they would all die. I know what happens when you go against guns with bow and arrows.

I spotted grace as she pushed to the front.

"Stop please! " she commanded. 

"This will only make it worse. " she stated.

"You do mot speak here!" Tsu'tey growled pointing at her.  I was about to step forward but a look from grace told me to stay put.

" we will strike them in the heart." Tsu'tey stated holding his bow above his head gaining more cheers.

"Tsu'tey!  Don't do this. " Jake called out as he came forward with neytiri. 

Tsu'tey face became one of anger and fury.  He stalked towards Jake.  As he passed me he shoved his bow into my hands not even looking at me.  His gaze staying trained on Jake.

"You" he hissed.

" listen. Brother..." Jake tried only to be pushed to the ground harshly.  I gasped and shoved tsu'tey's bow into the hands of the male next to me.  Racing off towards tsu'tey trying to stop him. 

Neytiri stood between him and Jake. 

I stopped next to tsu'tey putting a hand on his shoulder.  Trying to calm him,  which it did,  but only just a little.

" you mated with this woman?" Tsu'tey asked pointing to neytiri.

My eyes widen as they shot to jake then to neytiri. 

"Did you mate with that woman" jake asked nodding his head in my direction, already knowing the answer some how.

Mo'at stepped forward a hard glare locking onto tsu'tey and neytiri.

"Is this true" she asked sternly.

"We are mated before Eywa.  It is done. " neytiri stated.

Mo'at then looked to tsu'tey.

He nodded as he glanced in my direction.  "It is done" he confirmed.

Tsu'tey then glaned in jakes direction with a hard look.

"Brother please, do not attack the sky people. Many Omaticaya will die if you do" jake tried.

"You are not my brother" tsu'tey growled.

I gasped as tsu'tey grabbed his knife from his back and attacked jake.

Jake grabbed his own knife from his chest.  "And I am not your enemy! " jake growled his teeth flaired.

Jake threw his knife to the ground.  "The enemy is out there, and they are very powerful!" He snapped Pointing in a random direction. 

" I can talk to them." Jake tried to reason.

"No more talk." Tsu'tey growled and charged jake.  Slashing jake on the arm with his knife.

'TSU'TEY" I scream out.

Jake grabbed tsu'tey as he attacked again.  Giving him a couple punches and kneed his chest. 

Jake then pushed tsu'tey away,  and to the ground.

I pushed passed grace as she tried to stop me.  I got on my knees infront of tsu'tey,  reaching for his face.  He looked at me.  Anger was blazing in his eyes.  My eyes zeroed in on his bleeding nose.  I gently brushed it away.  I gave him a look to please stop as I helped him stand.

" I am Omaticaya. I am one of you. And I have the right to speak. I have something to say... To all of you. The words are like stones in my heart." He began.  His words confused me.  Then my eyes wide.

What did they do to jake?!  Jake must have been given some kind of orders by those men!

My eyes widen even more as grace collapsed.  My eyes shot to jake with a frantic look.

"Okay.  Look... I was sent here to... " before he could finish, Jake's eyes rolled back, and his body became limp and collapsed to the ground.  I grabbed tsu'tey hand making him look at me.

I didn't know if I'd see him again,  who knows what thoses men would do once I was back in my human body.

"I love you" I stated as I felt my body become weak and darkness clouded my vision. I heard tsu'tey yell out my name as darkness took me.

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