Oh shit

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Published 5/20/18

Norm and Grace immediately started nerding out about one of the giant plants that looked like it wanted  to whip out and grab one of us. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Jake starting to wonder off into the forest (that stupid marine!) with a loud annoyed huff I quickly went to follow the idiot. Who knows what kind of trouble he could get into if he's not being supervised?!

I held my gun tight, ready to shoot anything just  in case we were attacked.  We enter a patch of weird plants of all different sizes, they reminded me of some corals I had seen whenever I went to the ocean back on earth.

They were beautiful I had to admit. They were a light coral orange color, and went up in a spiral shape. I had the strongest urge to touch one but Jake best me to it as he touched one and it quickly disappeared into the ground. I took a step from being startled causing me to bumb into one behind me and it did the same thing.

I couldn't stop the small giggle that escaped me as I reached to touch another one watching in amazement as it disappeared into the ground. The plants distracted me from the sickening feeling I had in my stomach.

All of a sudden, all of them disappeared into the ground leaving us completely exposed and out in the open. What the hell?!

Scanning the area I froze and took a small step back. In front of us was a juvenile Hammerhead Titanothere. (Fuck) Not good, not good at all.

It roared at us and took a few steps forward slamming its large head into the trees next to it destroying them. I took a few more steps back keeping my gun down. My weapon was completelyusless against its heavy armored skin, it's hide was nearly impossible to do any damage to them.

But Jake, on the other hand, being the idiot that he is aimed his weapon at the Titanothere. Grace and Norm must have heard the commotion because they both showed up stopping at the tree line.

Grace started talking into the neckpiece. "Don't shoot, don't shoot you'll piss him off" Grace ordered us mostly aiming at Jake.

"Its already pissed off". Jake snapped sounding a bit frantic.

"Jake that armors to thick, trust me" I was hoping he didn't do anything that would get me killed. He moved his gun so it was no longer aimed at the Titanothere but at the sky.

I was about to speak to Jake but a horrible pain took over my head. It felt like it was pulsing and had a heartbeat in it. I held the side of my head, shaking it gently, trying to get the pain to go away.

"What's going on" I whisper/hissed to myself.

(Everything you know is about to change) an airy voice that sounded like a woman whispered in my head.

I shook the thoughts away. (No more drinking for me after 3, I'm starting to go crazy)

I heard light, almost cat-like footsteps from behind me. I spun around only to come face to face to a large black snarling Thanatore. (Ya know what? Fuck me)

I froze for a second as my eyes locked with theirs before it turned its attention to something these behind me. It ignored me and Jake and jumped over us.

The heard of Titanothere formed a protective circle around the young Titanothere blocking them from Thanatore's view. The adult Titanothere roared at the Thanatore daring it to attack them.

This caused the Thanatore to turn it's attention back to us. Seeing us as much easier targets

I knew what was about to happen from its body language. It was going to charge or attack, hell maybe both!

Avatar: Life of a warrior Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon