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Published 12/14/18

Everything was so much more clear. I could make out every little detail around me. I felt like I could see, hear and smell everything around me. Was this the creature's eyes? I quickly shook my head. No time for that, I need to get back to the home tree. I needed to have a talk with tsu'tey and why he left me behind. I took a deep breath and got low on the creatures back. "Let's go" I spoke and then the creature took off. I held on tight, this was super fast, faster than anything I have ever seen. I steered the creature with my body leaning where to go.

I felt like I was flying on this creature. I need to come up with a name for this thing. It is helping me after all. Soon home tree came into view. I saw Navi people starring at me in shock. They would back away or bow to me. What was going on with them? Are they scared of the creature? I was Jake rush forward starring at me in shock. I slid off the creature and disconnected our bond. I pat it's side and ran my hand along it's back. It let out a purr kind of sound. Rubbing its head on me.

I stepped forward and saw Eytukan and Mo' at starring at me with shock. Tsu'tey stood next to Neytiri. I felt a pang in my heart. Mo' at took a small step forward to me, she was watching me as if I was something special. She looked from me to the creature behind me. "Child, do you know what you have," mo'at asked me her eyes not leaving the creature. "I'm sorry I don't," I told her very confused. "You have bonded with a Mune'ftxi. A Mune'fxti is the spirit of Eywa. Only one exists at a time" Mo' at told me. My eyes widen now looking over at the creature called a Mune'fxti.

"No one has ever bonded with a Mune'fxti except for Eywa and now..... You" Mo' at told me. I did not take my eyes off of the Mune'fxti. I had so many questions running through my head. "Child you have been blessed by Eywa"Mo' at said to me. She lowered her head to me. Soon everyone else followed her actions to me. I stood frozen in shock. I looked around me seeing everyone doing it. My eyes went to tsu'tey, his and my eyes met before he bowed to. I took a few shaky steps back. Bumping into the Mune'fxti.

The Mune'fxti must have felt I was in distress because not even a second later I was on it's back. It took off into a fast sprint running around the Navi till we reached the jungle. I had no clue where it was taking me but I did not care. I felt so confused about what I should do. My head, my heart it all hurt. I was so tired of being confused and lost.

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