Chapter 24

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The tears started falling before I could let them. They streaked my cheeks and were absorbed in the black sweater Spencer was wearing.

He held me between his strong arms, running his fingers through my hair.

He was my brother. I have a family.

For months, I've been wondering where my family was, who my family was. The thought tortured me for ages, wondering if my family was as evil as Aidan's or innocent people robbed of their daughter.

Guess they're in the middle. Maybe.

The tears keep falling until I get too tired to shed any more. I fall asleep, lying against him, breathing in the faint smell of gunpowder and mud.

It ends up being one of those few nights where I don't end up having nightmares, and one of the few nights I actually sleep.

The rays of sunshine peeking through the forest canopy are my morning wake up call. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up. I find myself in a different part of the forest yet again. I know because the other guards' bodies are nowhere in sight.

Spencer's black sweater lies on top of me, acting like a blanket. It was soft, for sure. And it was warm. It felt nice having something blanket-like after sleeping in the open for days. It made me feel like I was safe.

Spencer himself wasn't that far, probably a few inches away. He was lying on his stomach, using his backpack as a pillow. There's a trail of drool coming from the side of his mouth and he snores softly.

One glance at him makes thoughts race through my head. I can trust him, I know that. And I know someone would question why, but I just know. Something about the way he looks at me. Talks to me. You know how sometimes you could tell who's trustworthy by looking at their eyes?

That's what it's like.

But, on the other hand, there's just something about him that makes me want to not trust him, but let's be honest, isn't that like that for everyone? There's probably something in everyone that we don't like or something about them that we don't trust.

For example, about Spencer, how he's been working with the Institute.

I mean, why was he there in the first place? Was he there because he had to, like mom or dad made him do that job? Or, did he do this by choice? Maybe he's here because he's on their side and plans to take us back? Or, he really, truly wants us to take us back home, wherever "home" is.

It's kinda funny how I keep on saying "we", even though right now, Aidan ain't even here.

Is he probably worried? He did try calling my name, telling me to come back.

He also tried to kill you. I told myself.

I take a deep breath. I can't leave Aidan alone. Especially after everything that happened. Plus, he has all my clothes.

I need to go back.

I slowly try to stand up, but as I plant my two feet in the ground, a wave of dizziness pains my vision. I grab onto a tree near me and wait as my vision becomes clearer.

I really need some food. How am I even still alive?

The average human being can survive up to three weeks without food. The voice said. And you are more than an "average" human being.

Welcome back voice! You were missed tremendously!

I'm being sarcastic, if that wasn't clear.

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