Chapter five

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Months had flown by after Catelyn's departure. In that time, Bran had woken from his sleep, surprising, and relieving them all. In the months that passed, Bran, much like little Rickon, grew bitter and rude. Adelaie didn't blame him. if she was bed-ridden with only Old Nan as company, she would be much like he is.

That morning had been more pleasant than any in the past week. Adelaie was walking through the courtyard when they were informed of the arrival of Tyrion Lannister and his companions. To say the least, Robb was not happy. Briskly, they walked into the Great Hall, down the corridor until they reached the high table. Hay covered the floor, slightly insulating the room as few candles and fires were lit. Robb sat in the chair his father usually sat in, and when Adelaie broke off to stand to the side, as she usually did, Robb stopped her. He called her name before she had reached her usual spot, causing her to turn to him.

"Your seat is next to me, Adelaie. I trust your council." To say Adelaie was surprised would've been an understatement. The brunette glanced at the Maester, who gave her a small nod in reassurance. Slowly, she stepped back and moved to pace down to the high table.

She could feel the curious stares of those in room, even though there were only a few, follow her every movement until she walked up the stairs, past the dire wolf, and sat in the seat to Robb's left.

It was only then that he summoned Lord Tyrion and his companion, a man in black, obviously a man of the Night's Watch, into the hall. Tyrion walked in with the man in black to his right. He was surprised to see Adelaie in the seat beside the lord of Winterfell. They stopped once they made it to end of the dining tables.

"I must say I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit." Tyrion spoke up.

"Any man of the Night's Watch is welcome at Winterfell." The man next to Tyrion nodded, but did not speak up. Robb had completely ignored the dwarf's statement. After his mother's accusations, Robb did not trust the Lannister.

"Any man of the Night's Watch, but not I, eh, boy?" Tyrion intersected sharply. Robb glared down at the small man.

"I'm not your boy, Lannister. I'm lord of Winterfell while my father is away." Robb sharply pointed out as he glowered at the Lannister.

"Then you might learn a lord's courtesy." He replied calmly. Tyrion didn't want to make the situation any worse than it already was.

The large wooden doors at the end of the hall creaked open loudly, stopping their conversation short. Hodor, one of the stable boys, held Bran's limp body in his arms. Tyrion had to strain his neck up as he examined the boy.

"So it's true." Tyrion stated, more to himself than the others. Adelaie's eyes saw Theon walk in behind them. The Greyjoy, much the same as her, went to stand in his usual position next to her, but when he noticed she wasn't there, he stopped in his tracks and frowned. He looked around the large room in search of her and when his eyes finally found what they were looking for, he frowned. Adelaie shrugged as he gave her a strange expression, almost asking why she was up there to begin with.

"Hello, Bran." Tyrion's words stopped the giant. Bran's eyes looking down at the dwarf with a blank expression, "Do you remember anything about what happened?"

"He has no memory of that day." Maester Luwin spoke for Bran, causing Tyrion to glance at him.


"Why are you here?" The boy next to Adelaie spoke sternly. The sharp bitterness which laced his words were almost a threat in themselves. Tyrion seemed to ignore Robb, still looking up to Bran.

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