Chapter eight

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"The proper course is clear – pledge fealty to King Renly and move south to join our forces with his." Lord Bracken exclaimed to them all. All the Lords had been gathered in the camp that night for a war meeting. Adelaie sat next to Robb, her eyes still red from crying earlier,

"Renly is not the king." She stated. They all looked at her with raised brows. It wasn't often she spoke up, she mostly did agree with Robb's plans or did not want to start trouble. But she no longer cared. The world did not care, why should she?

"You cannot mean to hold to Joffrey, my lady. He put that man that raised you to death." Bracken replied,

"That does not make Renly king." She quickly whipped back,

"Adelaie is right. He is Robert's youngest brother. If Bran can't be lord of Winterfell before me, Renly can't be king before Stannis." He Defended her. Silently, he grabbed her hand, and wrapped his fingers around it comfortingly, yet no one saw it, no one but Catelyn.

"Do you mean to declare us for Stannis?" Bracken questioned,

"Renly is not right! If we ourselves behind Stannis-" Glover was cut off when the Greatjon stood,

"My lords. My Lords!" he exclaimed, quieting them all, "Here is what I say to these two kings." He spat on the ground, gaining a small cheer and laugh of agreement, "Renly Baratheon is nothing to me, nor Stannis neither. Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the South? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their gods are wrong!" his voice kept getting increasingly louder as the group let out a laugh, "Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? It was the Dragons we bowed to! And now the dragons are dead! "The man unsheathed his sword, and pointed it to Robb, "There, sits the only King I mean to bend my knee to!" he turned to Robb. As he did, Adelaie dropped his hand, "The King in the North!" he exclaimed, and bent down to one knee.

Robb stood, only ever looking back to Adelaie once,

"I'll have peace on those terms!" Lord Karstark stood, "They can keep their red castle andtheir iron chair too." He to, unsheathed his sword, and kneeled before Robb, "The King in the North!" he exclaimed. Theon was next to stand,

"Am I your brother, now and always?" he asked,

"Now and always." Robb replied with a slight nod. Theon unsheathed his sword, and kneeled down in front of Robb,

"My sword is yours, in victory and defeat." He vowed, "From this day, until my last day." He finished, nodding his head in respect,

"The King in The North!" Greatjon Umber yelled. Each of them, excluding Catelyn and Adelaie, began chanting and fell to their knee with unsheathed swords. Their echoes could be heard throughout the camp, and through the night wind.


Adelaie was in her tent not long after. She could not bring herself to sleep, so she sat at the table in her tent with a horn of ale. Her head turned to the entrance when she saw it open. It was Robb, which did not surprise her. Silently, he stalked over to her, standing just before her. Slowly, Adelaie pushed herself from her chair, and stood.

Their chests were barely touching, and she could feel his warm breath on her face. Adelaie did not move away. In the last few hours she had consumed quite some alcohol, and she knew that is what made her stay. Slowly, she leaned forward, and rested her head on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around her waist and hers went to his chest.

"You know that I cannot be with you..." she whispered. Slowly Adelaie saw how much Robb had begun to love her, yet she had a responsibility to her family... her name, which was why she let herself love Jon. He was a bastard, not a lord.

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