Chapter sixteen

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A/n Yas! Another chapter finally up! t's been too long but I needed a break from writing. I'm super busy at the moment with assignments but i'll try and post as often as I can. I've written up to the end of season six but need to re-write all the chapters (since it's completely different to how this story has turned out) and I'm very excited to write season seven! Hopefully this will all be done by the time season eight comes out. Also quick note, Thank you to all who are supporting this story! I'm surprised with how well it is actually going! if you have any ideas you'd like to see in this story leave a comment, I love getting inspiration from my readers!

When Jon exited the cell, his usual brooding expression was accompanied with disappointment. He hadn't convinced Mance. Adelaide knew they wouldn't have much luck with him, he was a proud man of proud people, she expected no less. When Jon stopped in front of her she put her hand on his shoulder,

"You tried, it is the best you could have done." She softly told him, her expression was solemn and when Jon looked at her, he sighed, a put his hand over hers before wrapping his fingers around it. He began to move her hand off his shoulder slowly, and when it was, he hesitated in letting go of her hand. He didn't want to, she could tell, but he had to, and he did.

Jon broke eye contact with her and let out a small sigh before walking off. Adelaie watched him leave. It was torture, not only for her, but also for Jon. She could tell he still loved her, yet he was bound to the wall, to his duty and she understood that. Adelaie knew the longer she stayed, the harder that would be to accept for the both of them.

With a heavy sigh, she turned to the cell which held Mance. The guard was just down the hall, waiting for her to be done with him. Adelaie walked over to the door, and pushed it open, when she did, Mance turned to her.

"You won't haven't any luck, I'll only tell you what I told your friend." He informed her, turning back to the window.

"I'm not going to try." Mance turned to the girl with a raised brow. She walked from the door and to a stool not far from the northern man.

"Then why have you come?" He asked curiously. Mance turned to her, giving her his full attention,

"I don't know. As soon as Jon walked out of your cell I knew I would have no luck." What she said was true, she didn't know what she was doing there, she had no reason to be there, not anymore.

"I knew your father, and your mother, even met your eldest brother before going beyond the wall. He was seven, brown hair and eyes as green summer grass, like yourself. He had an eye for adventure." Mance started, leaning forward while his arms supported his weight on his knees,"Your father knew what was coming, told him I was going north, and you know what he said to me? 'When you get all those people together, bring them south because they'll be more useful to us alive.'" Adelaie only sat and listened as he continued, "Said they'd be welcomed into his land, he'd convince the Starks and the night's watch to let them in because he knew what was coming. When I heard he died along with the rest of your family all those years ago, I was devastated. Not only had I lost our only ally south of the wall, but I lost a family. Then I heard one survived, a girl only a few months old, living with the Starks and I knew, one day we might have a southern ally once again." He told her proudly, a smile adorned his face while her eyes watered,

"Like my father said, they are more useful to us alive than dead." She stated, standing up. Mance stood along with her, and took a few steps closer,

"Promise me you'll look after my people, even if it means going north yourself. They'll trust you enough if you tell them who you are. Your father was a hero to them as much as I was." Adelaie could only nod, turning to leave wordlessly.

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