Chapter seven

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They were to depart the same night as the feast, Robb thought it better they left while it was dark as the Lannister's had spies all over. Currently, she stood in her room, looking down at the fireplace as the door creaked open, causing her to turn her head. She looked to see Robb approach her, giving her a small smile as he stopped in front of the brunette,

"Lord Umber shouldn't have said what he did at the feast."

"It's not the last time I will be called names, Robb. Men like him think they are too good for the likes of a woman to be in command." She shrugged, her honesty making the blue-eyed boy sigh,

"You're right, but I want to know if it happens in the camps." She nodded, the flames reflected from the green orbs staring into them,

"I'm scared, Robb." Adelaie never seemed to stop surprising him. when he looked down to her hands, he noticed that they were shaking. For a moment, he hesitated, he wasn't sure what to do, so he reached for her hand, and gave it a squeeze,

"I am too. I'm scared that I have made the wrong choice, I'm scared I will lose my father, sisters and mother and I am scared I'll lose you." It was the first time she had seen him so vulnerable. Adelaie engulfed him into her arms, not finding much difficulty as she was only an inch shorter. The tight embrace only lasted for a minute, the pair deciding they needed to say farewell to the two younger Stark boys.


Adelaie found difficulty leaving after she had said goodbye to little Rickon, the boy had become more bitter and observant as the months had dragged on, now understanding his family all had left. He thought they were abandoning him and it broke her heart, more than she would have liked to admit. Now as she sat at the war council, listening as the men discussed the size of the enemy's army,

"The river lords are falling back with Jamie Lannister at their heels and lord Tywin is bringing around a second Lannister army from the south. Our scouts confirm it's even larger than the Kingslayer's." Robb informed them, leaning over the map set out on the table, heads of the sigil houses set up on it.

"One army, or two, the Kings in the north threw back hosts ten times as large." Lord Umber informed, suddenly standing, his eyes set on someone outside the tent. When she turned and saw who it was, she as well stood, everyone else doing the same as Robb turned to see Catelyn Stark and Ser Rodrik. Catelyn stared at her son for a moment, looking him over as the last time she saw him, he had been less mature. He eyes went to Adelaie for a second, looking over her as well before turning back to her son,

"Mother." Robb said, relieved to see her face.

"You look well." She replied, looking over her son,

"Lady Catelyn, you're a welcome sight in these troubled times." Lord Umber told her respectfully,

"We had thought not to meet you here, My lady." Theon added, her eyes landing on the said boy,

"I had not thought to be here. I would speak with my son alone, except Lady Morley, I ask you to stay." Adelaie nodded at the request, "I know you will forgive me, my lords." She told them politely, lord Umber speaking up after,

"You heard her, move your arses!" Adelaie was watching as everyone else exited the tent, Theon being scowled before following the others, Umber stopping on Robb's left, "Have no fear, my lady, we'll shove our swords up Tywin Lannister's bunghole and then it's on to the red Keep to free Ned." He was very blunt but Adelaie found slight humour in his words, watching as he left, greeting Rodrik before his departure, taking the said man with him.

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