Chapter 19

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I feel like such an ass. I left mon amour without talking to her. If I would have just stayed here she wouldn't have been attacked. I should have been here to protect her. I owe Sarah Beth for beating the shit out of that poor excuse of a man. I hope mon amour is feeling ok. She keeps looking flushed. 

"I guess I'll go first. Aside from what you've told me, has Trevor done anything else to you?" I notice her face change instantly and Lucas elbowed the shit out of me. "You don't have to answer mon amour." I say while looking at Lucas with a 'touch me again you dick' look. I look back at mon amour and her eyes are closed. I see tears streaming down her face. I know everything without her even saying anything. I can see even Lucas notices. I want to reach over and comfort her but something tells me she needs to get this off her chest.

"The last time Trevor beat me before I left him. I told you guys already how bad he beat me...." I watch her wipe away the tears and touch her head where that bastard hurt her. "Well I didn't tell you that after he beat me to the point of me not being able to move, he had sex with me. I didn't want it but I couldn't stop him. I wanted to fight him off but all my fight was already beaten out of me. He made sure of that. So I just laid there crying looking away while he did what he wanted. I'm ashamed and disgusted with myself." I watch her shake the tears off her hands and she looks back at me and Lucas. "So I understand if you guys are too." 

"How could you think we would be disgusted with you beautiful?" I have to admit if Lucas and I weren't trying to win the same woman I could see us being friends. I watch how she is with him and it's different then she is with me. With him she's playful and gets this sexy look on her face. With me she's relaxed and has a soft look. We both bring something different out of her. I understand why she's so torn. She's has two different sides to her. But I need to work harder to get that playful sexy side to come out. 

"Mon amour you are just showing how strong you truly are. There's nothing you can't do. You are truly and inspiration." There's that soft relaxed look mixed with that sexy playful look. Maybe I can bring it out in her.


While Stephan was talking I couldn't help but touch her. So I bent forward so my hand could touch her leg. Since she's in shorts I was able to start caressing her skin. I see her look change from soft to her come fuck me eyes. Even though she's trying to stay composed I can tell it's having an effect on her. "So Luke do you have any questions?" She asked while putting her foot up and kicking my hand away, giving me a sexy glare. It's so cute she try's to look mean but epically fails every time. It's that scrunching of her nose. It's just the cutest and sexiest thing I have ever seen. So I sit back where Stephan can't see, wink, and blow her a kiss. She started to fidget so I decided to ask her something that has been bugging me. "What surgery did you have that gave you so many scars on your stomach?" She leaned forward and put her hands in her hands. I don't understand what could be so bad. But it's bad enough where she is taking so long to lift her head up. But she finally does with a soft relaxed look on her face. 

"Ok here's the thing. When my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, I decided to have the BRCA tests done. It's a genetic blood test to see if you have the cancer genes. Well turns out that I was not only at an alarming high risk of getting breast cancer. I was also at risk for cervical and ovarian cancer."

Before she could finish Stephan asked the question I couldn't bring myself to ask. I was too busy trying to fight the tears back at the thought of losing her. "So does that mean you are going to die of cancer?" I could hear the way his voice was breaking up. Fuck he really cares about her as much as I do. 

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