Chapter 21

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As I'm walking into Tyler's office for the last time. It feels bitter sweet. I've worked hard on myself for the last 3 months. I feel stronger then I ever have. It wasn't easy. I had to dig deep. I had to open up about everything. "Hey Cadence. Are you ready for your last appointment?" He asks while letting his dogs out of their kennel. Bruce runs right up to me and try's to knock me down again. But after him knocking me on my ass the first day I was here on the beach, I'm always ready for him. I kneel down and let him cover my face with kisses. Gotham his black pit bull is more laid back. Yes Tyler named his dogs Bruce and Gotham. He's a closet comic book nerd. 

"I'm more then ready Tyler. I feel like I can take on anything." I said while standing up ignoring the big brown eyes staring up at me begging for more love. I walk over to the couch and sit down and Bruce jumps up and lays his head on my lap. "Although I don't think he's ready for me to leave." I said while petting Bruce. "I don't think he is either." Tyler said while chuckling. 

Tyler sat down on the other end of the couch and he handed me the first painting I did here before I was so rudely interrupted by the oversized lap dog. As I look at it I see the use of so many dark colors and I can see the pain in it. Even though it was of the ocean it was dark. Each stroke showed a part of the pain I've gone through my life. "Wow this feels like a lifetime ago." I was just starring at it shocked how I could make something of the ocean so depressing. "Now look at this one for me." Tyler said as he hands me the painting I did yesterday of the same ocean. It was light. I used so many whites and blues. The waves looked like cotton and I didn't use hardly any dark colors. It really showed me how much I have truly changed. 

"You have changed so much Cadence. You were focused and I am so proud of you." Tyler said while reaching over and grabbing my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "So Cadence, how are you going to do if one or both of the guys are with someone?" He asked knowing damn well that this was my last problem and I have been avoiding it like the plague. "You can't avoid this anymore Cadence. You are leaving after this appointment." I know he's right. I have to have a game plan. I mean I've been gone for 3 months and haven't contacted any of them. I take a deep breath and close my eyes trying to see them with someone. I open my eyes and look over at Tyler.

"I'm a fighter and I'm a surviver. It may hurt but it won't break me. I haven't worked this hard on myself to let it set me back." I said with with pride and confidence. "You can do this Cadence. I just want you to be prepared. There is a huge possibility that they will have met someone. As much as I enjoy having you around, I don't want to see you back here again." He flashed the beautiful smile of his at me and stood up. "I've done all I can. It's all up to you now Cadence." I stand up and go to give him and hug. He squeezes me tight, lets go, and steps back. I look up at him and I don't know what came over me but I stepped forward and kissed him softly on his lips. 

"Oh fuck I'm so sorry Tyler. I don't know what came over me." I said when I realized that I was such an idiot. Before I can turn he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his body. Our lips crash together. Our tongues begin to dance together. We both know this is beyond wrong. But we can't stop. 


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