Chapter 9: School's Out

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"It's great to see you again, My little Y/n" Rose Quartz smiled as Y/n looked around the familiar landscape

"It's great to see you too," Y/n greeted

"First, I would like to congratulate you on your selfless act. You put yourself on the line and you helped many humans in the process," Rose Quartz complimented, "I'm proud of you,"

"Thank you," Y/n bowed a bit, "I have a question though, if you don't mind,"

"Of course I don't mind," Rose Quartz told as she gently pressed her palm on Y/n's cheek and stroked it with her large thumb, "What is your question?"

"Why me? I mean... Why are you giving me all this?" Y/n asked

"Why? Because I knew you could handle it, you're the right person and you're in the right place," Rose Quartz told

"I see..." Y/n nodded

"Now, I would like to reward you on not only a job well done, but for the bond you built with the human Lars," Rose Quartz told, "The seed of a bond you planted when you first met has blossomed into a full flower," Rose Quartz smiled as a rose appeared in her hand, she tuck the rose a tucked it in Y/n's hair, "Ah, beautiful,"

"Thank you," Y/n giggled a bit

"Now, are you ready for your next power?" Rose Quartz asked

"Another one?" Y/n asked

"Yes, this is one is similar to your first, but it allows you to see things that are otherwise hidden, things that mean to cause you and others harm," Rose Quartz told as she held Y/n's hands

"So, you mean I can spot hidden traps and things like that?" Y/n asked

"Yes, traps and other things," Rose Quartz nodded

"Thank you," Y/n nodded as they smiled

"Thank you as well, for helping take care of my Steven," Rose Quartz smiled

"It's my pleasure, he's a great kid," Y/n told

"Thank you," Rose Quartz smiled, "It's time for your mind to rest, you have quite the day ahead of you. Remember, believe in yourself. You're stronger than you think,"


"Do you think they got him already?" Lars asked as he an Y/n walked towards the school

"No clue," Y/n said, "I have a feeling not yet," Y/n frowned as they saw the coach standing outside the door, greeting students as they walked in

"Huh, you two bothered to show up today?" Coach Morgan chuckled, "Whatever, you'll be kicked out in no time,"

"Good morning to you too, sir," Y/n nodded as they walked past

"What they said," Lars mumbled as he kept pace close behind

"You think they're gonna get him during school?" Lars asked as Y/n and him left Coach Morgan's earshot

"That'd be a spectacle," Y/n said, "Honestly, I hope so,"

"Yeah, humiliate him in front of the whole school," Lars chuckled

"Let's just wait and see what happens, yeah?" Y/n suggested

"Yeah, sounds right," Lars nodded as he and Y/n walked into homeroom, "I'll text you if anything happens,"

"Same here," Y/n nodded, soon the bell rang and everyone took their seats.

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