Chapter 65: Monster Reunion

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"See, this is an Earth crayon! I-I bet you Gems are used to super-advanced space crayons, but we make do," Steven told as he handed his semi-corrupted friend, Centipeetle. Steven grabbed a crayon and wrote down his name, "Look, Ste...ven. That's me! Can you do that?" Centipeetle squawked happily as she grabbed a crayon and began to draw, "Ah, Steven, you're a genius!" Steven complimented himself as Centipeetle lifted the paper to reveal gibberish, "Okay, maybe not. That's alright. I have another plan! We'll just talk through the language of art!" Steven began to draw a drawing of himself. Once he showed it to Centipeetle, she took it and begins to draw on it, "What are you adding?" Steven asked as Centipeetle finished, revealing her holding Steven's hand, "You remember we were buds!"

"Yeaahh!" Centipeetle croaked out

"Do you remember anything from before y--, I -- I mean from long ago?" Steven asked

"Hmm," Centipeetle began to think as she drew

"It's you in -- some kind of spaceship? Is that how you came to Earth?" Steven asked as he watched her draw, "What are you drawing now?" Steven tried getting a better look. Once she was finished, she held out the drawing, "Huh. They look kind of like you. Was that your crew?"

"Awhk!" Centipeetle squawked

"You were a captain? That's so cool! I'm sorry, that's so cool, sir!" Steven corrected as she saluted, "Oh, yeah, you guys don't salute like that. You go like..." Steven tried doing the Diamond salute, but grunted as he tried, "Oh, this looked so easy when Peridot did it." Centipeetle responded by doing the proper salute, "Yeah! like that!"

Centipeetle did the salute a few more times before squeaking and going back to drawing

"It's you... saluting... You're saluting someone... Your commander? She gave you an order... You and your crew... and your ship. Woah, lots of ships. You flew through space. Towards Earth," Steven began. Centipeetle then drew her ship in deep space, the Earth was gone and she drew question marks all over the paper, "You got lost?"

"Awhk!" Centipeetle nodded as she began to draw another person in the ship

"Why's that one a different color?" Steven frowned as he pointed to a figure drawn in a different shade, "Where'd they come from?" Centipeetle continued drawing, showing the figure taking control of the ship and leading it back to Earth, "You found your way back to Earth... You landed and started building stuff. But then... the gem war. You joined the fight..." Steven began

"Yo, sorry I'm over so late. I overslept," Y/n told as they entered the house, only to step back in shock at the Gem in front of them, "Uh... What's going on?"

"Awhk!" Centipeetle picked up a drawing and began pointing at the off-colored figure on the paper

"Steven? Fill me in?" Y/n pleaded

"This is Centipeetle! My healing spit came back so I wanted to see if I could cure the corruption! It kind of worked..." Steven told, "She's drawing what happened before she got corrupted,"

"Oh," Y/n approached, as they did, Centipeetle set down the paper and saluted to Y/n, "Uh... Nice to meet you too," Centipeetle picked up the drawing again and pointed to the off-color figure, then to Y/n, "What's she trying to say?"

"I dunno," Steven shrugged, "What happened after you joined the war?" Steven asked. Centipeetle grabbed another piece of paper and continued drawing, drawing crosses through the crew, she did not include the off-color figure in the rest of her drawings, "You and your crew kept going...." Steven said as Centipeetle ripped the paper in half, "You got separated, but you were still fighting. Then, new orders from your commander... to retreat. Everyone's running, but from what? You don't know. Where's your crew? Where's your ship?! You stopped. You heard something. From the sky, a sound. A song? And then..." Centipeetle stopped drawing and tears started to fall onto the paper as she sobbed

No Rest for The Weary| Crystal Gems X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora