Chapter 60: What Humans Do

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"I leave for five minutes," Y/n grumbled as they climbed up the ladder into the second floor. The sound from the TV was blaring loudly throughout the entire barn, reverberating against the walls. Y/n had stepped outside for a few minutes to go to "do their business", waking both Peridot and Lapis Lazuli in the process. Y/n told the two to try and go back to sleep, but apparently neither Gem took the advice. Once they got onto their feet, they saw Peridot and Lapis Lazuli sitting on a couch upstairs, watching TV, "Camp Pining Hearts at two in the morning? Really?" 

"You're back," Peridot acknowledged, not tearing her eyes away from the TV, "I was just showing Lapis Camp Pining Hearts," 

"I see that," Y/n sighed

"I like it," Lapis Lazuli said

"Well, you two have fun," Y/n chuckled a bit, "How much longer are you two going to be?" 

"Until the sun rises," Peridot said mechanically

 "I'm gonna go home," Y/n told, "I'll be back tomorrow," 

"Okay, bye," Peridot said, still looking at the TV

"Okay. If you over sleep, I know where you live," Lapis Lazuli said

"That... is very ominous sounding," Y/n told

"I just mean I'll come and get you," Lapis Lazuli clarified

"See you two tomorrow," Y/n laughed as they climbed back down the ladder then out of the barn. Y/n strolled down the barn field and to the nearest warp pad. Once they stepped on the pad, they threw their hands to the side and activated it, sending them into the warp beam, "I'll never get over how cool this is," Y/n laughed as the warp stream ended in the temple. Y/n quietly stepped down off the warp pad and through the temple, making sure not to wake Steven. Y/n slipped through the door then down the stairs, across the beach. The beach was quiet except for the gentle and occasional sound of a crashing wave. The cold fall breeze mixing with the cool ocean breeze mixed together into and odd, but pleasant flow.  Y/n crept onto the boardwalk, the old wood creaking after every step Y/n took, until they eventually made it into the fry shop. Oddly enough, the lights in Y/n's room were on. Y/n quietly grabbed a knife from the potato cutting counter and inched up the stairs. Once they reached the top, they were met with a familiar invader, "...Pearl?" 

"Y/n!" Pearl gasped as she dropped one of Y/n's hoodies, "I-I thought you were staying at the barn!" 

"Well, Peridot and Lapis decided to start blaring Camp Pining Hearts so loudly the Diamonds could hear them, so I came back to my room to sleep... But here you are," Y/n said as they set the small knife on their desk

"Here I am," Pearl laughed nervously, "I'm sure you curious why," 

"I thought I locked my window this time," Y/n said

"You did, but uh..." Pearl looked around nervously, "I may have a copy of your keys?..." 

"May have?" Y/n frowned

"Fine, a few months ago when you slept over, I took your keys and made copies of them. B-but it was just in case of an emergency!" Pearl explained

"And what was the emergency that warranted you to come into my room... and take my hoodie?" Y/n asked as they went over to their window, unlocking it and cracking it open a bit, letting the cool air come in

"Er... I was making sure that... No Anthrax was left in your clothing?" Pearl said, very unsure of herself

"So, you only checked one jacket?" Y/n questioned, "What's the real reason?" 

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