Chapter 76: Hear No Evil, Do No Evil

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Thanks Jade Thunderhoof for helping me write this chapter!


"OH FU-" Y/n jumped as they jolted awake, only to fall off the surface they were resting on and into the bushes below, followed by a soft gasp from above.

"Y/n?!" The voice from above called

"Ugh..." Y/n groaned as they sat up and brushed the leaves and grass off them

"You're... alive?" The voice from above said in almost a whisper

"Not if you scare me like that again," Y/n said as they stood up, shrugged their backpack off their shoulders and onto the ground. They looked at the voice above them, "Oh my... You are tall,"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought... You were expired... And I thought... the humans left you here for your final resting place," The tall blue woman spoke, a hood covering her head, but Y/n could see the teary blue eyes with diamond pupils

"This may be my resting place, but it's not my final," Y/n sighed as they noticed the large gem on her chest, "Uh... You must be Blue Diamond... I'm-"

"Y/n," Blue Diamond finished, "I know who you are,"

"Oh, right... You do," Y/n blinked as they tried recalling all their memories and knowledge on Blue Diamond, but not much came to mind besides the fact she asked Yellow Diamond to offer them a plea deal, "Well, it's uh... Nice to formally meet you,"

"I... I was told you were dead," Blue Diamond told, tears dripping from her eyes

"A lot of people were," Y/n sighed, "But, I'm not... Not yet at least,"

"So the Peridot's ship never crashed?" Blue Diamond asked

"No, it did," Y/n confirmed, "The crash didn't kill me... Don't ask me how..." Y/n mumbled as they turned and saw a Pearl standing with her hands clasped together, looking down at the ground with her bangs covering both her eyes, "I don't think we've met," Y/n spoke

"Huh?" The Pearl jumped a bit as she shot up her head

"This is my Pearl," Blue Diamond introduced

"Hello," Blue Diamond's Pearl spoke softly

"A pleasure to meet you," Y/n smiled

"Likewise..." Blue Pearl said

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Blue Diamond asked

"Nope, I'm okay," Y/n assured

"That's incredible..." Blue Diamond said, "Humans are supposed to be... so fragile and weak. I have to tell Yellow!... Should I?"

"Do you think I should be going on trial?" Y/n countered

"No, I don't," Blue Diamond teared up as she shook her head

"Then telling Yellow might not be the best idea," Y/n told

"May I ask why you're here?" Blue Diamond asked

"The same reason you are," Y/n sighed

"...Really?" Blue Diamond asked in surprise

"I miss her too," Y/n told, "I... I just want answers,"

"I did not expect that... But I shouldn't be surprised," Blue Diamond said, "Pink wrote that you were special... But there is more to you than I could ever imagine,"

"...Do you prefer I call you My Diamond or Blue?" Y/n asked, ignoring the condescending comment

"Blue is perfect, my Y/n," Blue Diamond said

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