Chapter 39: The Return

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"Guys! Dad and I are gonna go get some bits!" Steven called out to the Gems and Y/n who were all in the temple. Garnet and Y/n were working on hand-to-hand combat. Y/n threw punches towards Garnet's gauntlet-covered hands at a fast rate.

"Yes, have fun you two," Pearl called as she watched Y/n and Garnet intently

"Save me some!" Amethyst cheered

"Alright, the bits!" Steven cheered as he ran out of the house with Greg

"Hey, wait up! I'm not as quick as I used to be!" Greg laughed as he trailed behind Steven.

"I can't wait!" Steven laughed as he waited for his dad to catch up

"Thanks, kiddo," Greg laughed as he walked towards the fryshop with Steven

"The bits!" Steven chanted as he got to the counter and banged his fists, "Give me-" Steven went to continue, but was cut off by Peedee placing a bag of frybits in front of him, "Oh, thanks!"

"Eh, I saw you guys coming," Peedee shrugged

"Are you closing up all by yourself?" Greg asked

"Yeah, it's just me tonight," Peedee told

"Wow, that's a lot of responsibility for a kid your age. Your dad must really trust you," Greg admired

"Don't patronize me, sir," Peedee groaned

"See you, Peedee!" Steven smiled as he ran off towards the beach with Greg, "So, like I was saying, Peridot's been shooting huge robots here from space. And when you smash them, they explode into goo!" Steven smiled

"That sounds scary. You know, I'm not sure if... Do you ever feel like this Gem stuff is too much for you?" Greg asked

"What are you-" Steven frowned as he looked to his dad, but was cut off by a loud explosion that shattered the windows of all the local businesses. Steven jumped up startled and dropped his bag of fry bits

"What the hey was that? ... Steven?" Greg asked

"Is that... a hand?" Steven pointed up as he looked at the sky. A large green hand was floating down towards Earth.

"Looks like it," Greg said, "We've gotta get to the Gems!"

"Yeah!" Steven pumped as he began running towards the beach.

"The light cannons should be ready," Pearl commented as Y/n gave a thumbs up from under the deck

"Guys! Did you see that thing in the sky?" Steven asked as he ran onto the beach

"It's a ship. We have to assume it's Peridot," Pearl commented

"Lapis told us she'll be coming. With advanced weapons and reinforcements," Garnet told

"Well, go thing we've got weapons too," Y/n said, a scabbard was strapped to their back with a sword, they also were wearing an ammo belt.

"It's happening..." Greg fretted

"I wanna see," Steven said as he looked into the telescope, "Whoa..."

"Ready the light cannons," Garnet commanded. Three light cannons emerged from the deck while Amethyst and Y/n pushed a fourth one into position, "Steven, light them up,"

"If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs," Steven spoke into a walkie talkie he grabbed from Greg. The cannons fired beams into the sky, towards the hand-ship, the ship opened it's hand and took the blast in the palm area.

"No effect," Garnet said

"What now?" Greg asked

"We'll have to take them head on. The whole town might be in danger," Garnet told as she lifted the telescope and looked into it

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