Chapter 74: Speak No Evil, See No Evil

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Thanks to @PurplePegasus for helping me write this chapter once again!!!


Y/n stormed out of Pearl's room and into the temple, necklace clutched in hand. Pearl quickly followed behind, stammering.

"Y/n! I can explain! Please!" Pearl begged. Y/n ignored her and walked over to Garnet, shoving the necklace close to her face

"What the hell is this?" Y/n asked, nodding their head towards the crystal.

Garnet took a few seconds to process what was happening before answering, "It's your necklace."

"I can see that, smartass. Why is it here?" Y/n seethed, gritting their teeth. Garnet parted her lips, seemingly thinking her words over. Pearl, however, wasn't as patient.

"I found it!" Pearl lied. Y/n turned to look at her, and Pearl choked on her words slightly as she saw the intense glower that had found its way onto their face. "It- it was in Bismuth's forge. I... put it away because I didn't want you to be upset about what happened!"

"...Really?" Pearl felt a deathly chill run through her form as Y/n strode over to her and got in her face, raising the necklace up to her eyes, "Because I think. you're. lying to me." Pearl's gaze flicked over the trembling fist near her gem, then to Y/n's eyes. Their eyes were glistening, and pity danced with fear as she saw tears pricking the corners of them. "But let's pretend I believe you." Y/n continued. "If you were so adamant to keep me from feeling upset about Bismuth, then why did you so eagerly hand over the sword she made me?"

Pearl's breath hitched in panic. Y/n stepped back a bit to look at Pearl clearly.

"Better yet, why didn't you destroy the damn thing? Smash it? Burn it? If you thought I didn't want it around anymore, and it's of no use to anyone else, why didn't you get rid of it?" The room fell silent as Y/n waited for an answer. They turned to look at Garnet when Pearl failed to respond, "Well?" Y/n asked.

Nobody spoke.

Y/n chortled as they let the hand they held the necklace in fall to their side, "You know what? It's fine. Don't bother answering! Because I have a feeling I already know why you kept it!"

Pearl covered her mouth and looked over to Garnet, eyes pleading for an intervention, but Garnet kept her mouth shut and her gaze locked onto Y/n as they spoke.

"You know what I think is going on?" Y/n questioned. "I think, that you kept this around because you knew Bismuth wasn't bluffing!"

"Y/n, we w-" Pearl started. Y/n put their hand up to stop her.

"Oh, but I'm not done!" They said, their tone becoming deceivingly sweet. Pearl trembled and bit her fingers anxiously as Y/n turned and pointed to Garnet, who's stance had become rigid.

"You, Garnet, said you can't see into my future, so how could you have known I really did shatter a gem in the past or had done anything, for that matter?"

"I... couldn't have..." Garnet responded quietly.

"Exactly. Yet you kept this." Y/n said, bringing the necklace back up, "Do you know what that means, Garnet?"

"...Y/n-" Garnet tried to plead

"That means that you know something. You know something that I don't; something that warrants this to still be around. So what is it?" Y/n interrogated

At that moment, Amethyst's door opened and she stepped out, stopping in her tracks as she saw the scene in front of her, "Uhh... What's going on?" Amethyst asked, casting a confused glance to Pearl.

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