Chapter 81: Storm in the Room

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Steven sat on a chair next to Y/n as they both held controllers in their hands, staring at the TV resting on top of Y/n's dresser. While Y/n leaned forward with a concentrated look on their face, he sat back with slumped shoulders, weakly moving the joystick around. The sound of thunder and the pouring rain seemed to distract him more as he occasionally glanced to the window, watching the rain fly at an angle as white lighting flashed in the dark grey sky.

"Steven, you're driving into the wall," Y/n told as they kept staring at the screen

"Mhm," Steven hummed blankly, staring out the window

"Steven?" Y/n frowned as they paused the game and looked to him, "What's wrong?"

Steven sighed as he continued looking out the window, watching sand from the beach blow away in the wind, creating small spirals through the air, "...Can I ask you a question?"

"'Course," Y/n nodded, "Anything,"

"What's mom like?" Steven asked as he turned to look at Y/n

Y/n set the controller down on the ground and shifted their seat so they were facing Steven, "Rose... Is something else," Y/n laughed, "She's easily excited, she's kind and gentle. She has these... Soft eyes that just look down at you, just giving you this feeling that... Everything is going to be alright. She gives the best hugs I've ever felt... And... She always means well. What brought this up?"

"Well," Steven sighed as he twiddled his thumbs, "I went into mom's room to see if I could talk with her... But it wasn't really her. It was just what I wanted her to be... I even tried to take a picture, but look," Steven said as he pulled out his phone and showed it to Y/n

"Huh... She didn't show up?" Y/n asked as they peered at the screen, only seeing Steven posing with an empty space among the familiar pink clouds

"No..." Steven said as he glanced at the ground, "...Does she ever talk about me?"

"Of course she does," Y/n smiled, "She always talks about how much she loves you, how proud she is of you... How happy she is we're such great friends,"

"Yeah?" Steven smiled a bit as he looked up

"Yeah," Y/n nodded, "She loves you, Steven. Don't worry,"

"Thanks, Y/n," Steven said as he made eye contact, "Thanks for... Always being there for me,"

"Bring it in, bud," Y/n smiled as they opened their arms and pulled him into a tight hug

"I love you," Steven said in almost a whisper as he hugged them tightly

"I love you too," Y/n said as they kept him in the hug, "Want me to get you a soda?"

"That'd be great... Thanks," Steven said as the two parted the hug

"Cola?" Y/n asked as they stood up

"Please," Steven nodded

"Coming right up," Y/n smiled as they walked to the stairs and down from the attic into the Fryshop.

Steven smiled as he looked around the cleaner than usual room, everything neatly put away, things stacked with purpose, except for one plastic card just barely hanging off the corner of Y/n's nightstand. Curious, Steven stood up and walked over and gently nudged the card back onto the stand, standing over it and looking at it. He saw Y/n's picture, a small smile on their face and dark bags under their eyes. Next to the picture was their name, but with one thing off, "Oh my gosh" Steven whispered as he lifted the card into the air, holding it in awe, "We're officially family,"

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