Chapter 42: Unexpected

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"You're here later than usual," Steven frowned as Y/n walked into the temple at four. He and Connie sat in his loft watching TV

"School," Y/n told, "Just started back up,"

"Aw man," Steven sighed, "Connie doesn't have that today,"

"Teacher work-day," Connie told

"At least they gave us a weeks break because of the evacuation" Y/n said, "Ugh, but they dropped this community service thing on us that I have to get done before April. I need twelve hours of community service,"

"Well... You helped clean up the beach! That's gotta be like four hours!" Steven reasoned

"Unfortunately, I don't think the Crystal Gems count as a government registered non-profit organization," Y/n laughed

"Oh, I can help!" Connie cheered, "My mom's a doctor! I volunteer at her hospital all the time! We could do it together!"

"I'd love that," Y/n smiled, "What're the dates?"

"Oh most weekend mornings from like nine to twelve," Connie told, "But I know some people do it after school too,"

"If you can get me in contact with your mom, I'd be happy to do that," Y/n nodded, "So, what're we watching up here?"

"Crying Breakfast Friends," Steven told, "They released two new episodes! Two!"

"Nice," Y/n laughed as they walked up the stairs and watched with them for a brief moment

"Oh, Y/n! You're here!" Pearl commented as she walked from her room into the main house

"Yep," Y/n waved, "How's it going?"

"It's going well, thank you," Pearl smiled, "And yourself?"

"It's going," Y/n said, "Anything I miss today?"

"No, we were just searching for Malachite... and trying to locate Peridot as well. We didn't make any progress," Pearl told

"Well, there's always tomorrow," Y/n said, "We've got till the Earth stops turning,"

"Or when Malachite breaks free," Pearl told, "Or Peridot gains contact with Homeworld,"

"I was being hyperbolic, but yes you are correct," Y/n chuckled

"Yes, be sure to keep an eye out for anything," Pearl warned, "I doubt you will encounter Peridot, but just in case, make sure to check your surroundings,"

"Can do," Y/n gave a thumbs up, "Need me to go on any searches with you?"

"We might need your assistance when you're free," Pearl said

"You know how to reach me," Y/n smiled


"Looking good, Y/n," Connie gave a thumbs up as Y/n walked out of the hospital bathroom wearing a set of scrubs.

"You're looking pretty good yourself," Y/n chuckled to Connie, who was already in her scrubs, "So, what's our first job?"

"Well, we wait for a nurse or a doctor to ask us for help," Connie told, "Or if the pound volunteers stop by we can walk the dogs into the kids' rooms!"

"Aw," Y/n smiled, "That sounds nice,"

"Yeah, the kids get so happy... And we get to be with dogs!" Connie cheered

"Can't think of anything better," Y/n laughed

"Connie, Y/n," Dr. Maheswaran came around the corner and called

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