Chapter 18: Spar it Out

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"My little Y/n, you have accomplished quite a feat today," Rose Quartz said as she approached Y/n

"I guess so," Y/n nodded, "It didn't take too much,"

"It is still impressive," Rose Quartz said, "I made you something,"

"You did?" Y/n asked as Rose Quartz revealed a beautiful rose flower crown

"I used the flowers of your bonds, since I had enough roses to make it," Rose Quartz said, "As you grow more bonds, I'll add to this crown," Rose Quartz told as she placed it on Y/n's head

"Thank you," Y/n smiled

"It was my pleasure," Rose Quartz smiled, "I do have one question for you,"

"Hit me," Y/n said

"Oh my! Why would I ever do such a thing?" Rose Quartz gasped

"Oh no! That's not what I meant," Y/n chuckled a bit, "When a human says hit me, they usually mean say or give what you want to say or..."

"Oh, I see," Rose Quartz laughed, "You humans have such weird colloquial terms,"

"Yeah, that we do," Y/n laughed, "So, your question?"

"Do you want to go back home?" Rose Quartz asked

"Home? You mean like, home home?" Y/n clarified

"Yes, your original home," Rose Quartz told as she involuntarily began to gently stroke Y/n's cheek with her thumb

"To be honest," Y/n scratched their head, "Kind of... my parents are there... my old friends are there... but I do love this place. I love the Gems, I love Mr. Fryman, I love Lars, Sadie..."

"Hmm," Rose Quartz pondered, "Very interesting... Well, until we meet again, My little Y/n,"

"See ya," Y/n waved


"Boo!" Amethyst yelled at the sleeping Y/n

"Mhm?" Y/n rubbed their eyes and sat up from their bed, "Amethyst?"

"Man, nothing scares you, huh?" Amethyst pouted

"Maybe if you tried scaring me while I was conscious it would've worked," Y/n stretched, "What're you doing here?"

"Dude, you know what time it is?" Amethyst asked, "I thought you were dead or something! Steven came home at like 10 and said you were still asleep,"

"Hmm?" Y/n looked at their coach and saw the place where Steven had slept for the night in their attic was all cleaned up, "Oh... He should've woken me up,"

"Clearly," Amethyst said, "It's not in the morning 3,"

"In the afternoon," Y/n told as they threw the blanket of their body

"That," Amethyst said, "Anyways, you should come over. Get some lunch,"

"I could go for some lunch," Y/n nodded, "Lemme get dressed, alright?"

"A'ight," Amethyst said, "See you at the temple?"

"See you at the temple," Y/n nodded

"Sweet, see ya," Amethyst said as she drudged down the stairs and out of the fry shop, resisting the urge to ask for the bits. She made her way over to the temple and entered through the door, "Yo,"

"Did you wake them?" Pearl asked

"Mhm, they're coming over soon," Amethyst said, "You find the book you were looking for?"

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