Chapter 49: Something Old Yet Completely New

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"I heard something... Just up ahead," A voice said in a whisper, yet Y/n somehow managed to hear it.

Y/n sat up from their resting place, they were shocked to see a lush and colorful jungle around them; definitely not the attic of the fry shop they had previously fallen asleep in with Amethyst. They were still in their pajamas, the necklace Pearl recently gave them still around their neck, but the pendant itself was hidden underneath Y/n's shirt. It was almost impossible to tell whether is was night or day because the treetops blocked out the sky, yet somehow the area was lit with some sort of light.

"Oh, my," A familiar soothing voice called out as trees and foliage rustled, "Pearl, somehow a human was gotten lost here,"

"Hmm?" Y/n rubbed their eyes and looked around to see a towering eight foot woman with pink hair and curls

"Hello, human. Lost, are you?" Rose Quartz smiled as she held out her hand

"Rose?" Y/n frowned as they tilted their hand

"Oh, you know my name," Rose Quartz said, a bit suprised

"Of course I do..." Y/n said

"You're fluent in the common tongue as well! My, this is... unheard of," Rose Quartz told

"Rose, we've met before," Y/n reminded

"I am sure I would have remembered meeting a human with fluent speech," Rose Quartz said, "Pearl! We are over here! A human has gotten lost,"

"Where are we?" Y/n asked

"You don't know where you are?" Rose Quartz questioned

"No... I've never seen this place before," Y/n said, "You don't remember me?"

"I am sorry, but I do not," Rose Quartz said. Soon, her attention was drawn as a familiar Pearl emerged from the trees, her clothing and hair was different from how Y/n remembered

"Pearl," Y/n acknowledged

"...It speaks," Pearl said

"Yes, they are fluent," Rose Quartz said, "Say hello... I don't believe you have told me what the other humans address you as,"

"It's Y/n... Neither of you remember me? Wait a minute... I am confused..." Y/n frowned as they tried to piece together how Rose Quartz and Pearl could be together on Earth at the same time, why Pearl had a different outfit, and why there were in a jungle, "...Is the Rebellion still being fought?"

"Yes, it seems like it may never end," Rose Quartz sighed

"And... Pink Diamond, she's..." Y/n said

"Ruling over this Earth with a tyrannical fist," Pearl finished, "...How do you know of Pink Diamond? Did she send you here?"

"No, no," Y/n said, "I'm not with... Homeworld, I'm with you guys. The Crystal Gems... Pearl, you've been teaching me how to fight with a sword. Remember?"

"I have done no such thing," Pearl said with a hint of irritation

"Human... Your garments are very intricate, did you make these yourself or was it someone in your village?" Rose Quartz asked as she examined Y/n's pajamas

"Neither..." Y/n said, "You seriously don't remember me? Pearl, you gave me this just a few hours ago," Y/n pulled the necklace from behind their shirt and showed it to the two Gems

"I-I did not," Pearl stammered, "Bismuth only made five of those... We haven't given a single one to a human... It must've stolen it!"

"Pearl, I am sure they did not," Rose Quartz said, "Where are you from, little Y/n?"

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