19. Girlfriend

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Heyy sweethearts!

So here's a new update.

Let's begin.

Elena's POV

"Scott" I said and opened the door.

He was lying on the bed. He was unconscious.

He looked so peaceful. His messy hair perfect nose, pink lips, tan skin, sharp jawline, perfect neckline, collerbone and broad shoulders gave him the perfect physique, his posture, the way he leaned on the bed, the way his eyes looked upwards, he was the perfect one out there for me.

There were few bandages wrapped around his hand. He looked calm and peaceful.

I sat near him and held his hand.

"I like you. I really like you." I said and smiled at him.

"Scott please wake up." I said.

I played with his hair.

I was looking at the door. Suddenly he opened his one eye to look at me.

He was acting. He was just pretending that he was sleeping.

This asshole.

"Yes that's what I want to tell him, that I like him." I said.

His eyes were wide open. He held my hand.

"Who is hell is he?" He asked angrily.

Before I could answer anything I burst into laughter.

"You knew I was acting?" He asked.

"You're such a bad actor." I said.

"Oh I also thought that I should tell you the truth." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"About me and my girlfriend." He said very seriously.


"Then why the hell did you kissed me?" I asked angrily.

"Can't I kiss my girlfriend?" He asked.


I slapped his arm.

"I'm not your girlfriend." I said and narrowed my eyes at him.

You never asked me.

"This is physical abuse." He said and chuckled.

"No animal abuse." I said and stuck out my tongue at him.

I slapped him again on his shoulders. But this time, he held my hand and pulled me into his arms.

"You remember I still have the chance to ask you the last question. Remember?" He asked.

"What?" I asked confusingly.

"20 questions. " He said and smirked at me.

"Yes, I remember. You still wanna ask something?" I asked.

"Yes" he said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and smiled at me.

Am I dreaming?

"Scott" I said.

"I am sorry" he said.

"Sorry for what? I was going to say yes." I said.

"Okay, its okay if you- wait what, what did you said?" He asked.

"I said yes" I said.

His lips smashed against mine. He slowly nibbled on my lower lips and I wrapped my arms gently around his neck. We pulled apart and he pulled me into a hug again. I rested my head on his chest. I fixed that bed in a sitting position so that he could sit.

I sat near him. He hugged me. He was going to kiss me when someone opened the door. I just held his hand.
Dan entered the room.

"Scott are you okay?" He asked and looked at him.

"Oh Dan stop checking me out." He teased.

"I'd love to but now I just came here to tell you that we are taking you home. Your mom is really tensed. We explained her everything." He said.

"Okay" Scott said.

We went to his house.

"Scott I am going. Dan is waiting in the car." I said.

"No, stay. Please" he said.

"But-" I said.

"Please" he said and showed me his puppy eyes.

"Okay, I'll stay here." I said and Soph entered the room. She looked really scared. Her eyes searched all over his body to check his injuries.

"Ohh honey, how're you?" She asked Scott and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm fine mom." He said and patted her back.

"Let's go home." She said and smiled at him.

Her eyes instantly met mine and she pulled me into a hug.

"Honey, you must have been scared. Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes I am okay. " I said.

"Mom she can't breathe." Scott said and chucked at her actions.

"I'm sorry. Let's go home." She said.

Hey everyone!

How're you?

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