A Rescue

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   Erik dropped to the ground, almost as if he'd been shot, and tried to cover the right side of his face with his hand.  The widow would certainly not allow this, however, and grabbed him by the back of his head.  He was forced to look at Nadette's face.

What he saw was something he would not forget.

Nadette stood her ground, unashamedly looking the now unmasked Erik in the face.  It was not what she expected, but she was a very open-minded child.  Erik was not scary, but he was different.  Unique. 

Mama had told her to be kind and courageous, and that is exactly what she would do.

The widow let go of her son and stepped back, wiping her hand on her dress in disgust.

Suddenly, Erik felt two hands on his back and prepared himself to be dragged back up.  Yet, he soon realized it was not his mother, but Nadette who now held him.

She circled around to his front after running a hand over the newly inflicted bruises, and brought her little hands to either side if his face.

"It's alright, Erik.  I don't mind.  You are not ugly to me." She whispered. 

And Erik began to cry, sweet tears of happiness mixed with sadness for the hate he had endured, and he wrapped his arms around her small frame.

"It's alright." She whispered, "It's alright."

How odd, he thought, that the child would be comforting him.  Shouldn't he be the strong one?

At the time, he did not care.

Just as soon as their small moment of happiness began, it ended. They were pulled apart by Madame Destler and the cook.

"No! Erik!" Nadette called as she fought against the widow.

"Nadette!" Cried Erik. He could not lose his friend! He could not bear it!

"Take him to his room and lock him in it!" She screamed at the cook, "And you! You are lucky I do not call the gendarmes to take you away! Go!"

Nadette was roughly pushed to the ground, and almost tried to go after her friend, but thought better of it and ran through the now dark forest.

"Mama!" She yelled, "Mama!"

"What is it child?" Mama yelled as she ran down the stairs.

"You have to, they're hurting him! We need to help! The police! His mother, just because of his face!"  The little girl really was doing her best to explain, but she was both overwhelmed and out of breath.

So, Mama put her hands on her daughters shoulders and said, "Breathe child.  Breathe.  Yes. Like that.  Now, who is hurt?"

"Erik!  He's my friend! I met him in the forest and his mother is the widow and I was waiting and I heard him yell! So I ran to find him and his mother was hitting him with some wood and she tore away his mask!  Mama she hates him for his face!  He only looks different but it isn't his fault!" She rushed.

"Slow down, child!  The widow doesn't have a son." Mama said in utter confusion.

"Yes! Yes she does! But she keeps him a secret because his face is...well... it's different." Nadette mumbled. 

"Well I never.  And she hits him?" Mama was horrified, and knew that she must do something to help the boy. 

"Yes! We have to help him! She keeps him in the top room with the broken window! Mama, we have to go!" Nadette began to cry with worry for her friend, and any doubt Mama had about her daughter's tale vanished.

"Yes.  We will go.  But not now.  Tonight we will make up a room for him, and tomorrow morning we will take him away from that place.  It is too dark to see right now."


"No, Tabatha! We cannot just barge over to his home and demand to take the widow's son away! I must have tonight to think of what to do.  Now, go and sleep.  You have been through an ordeal.  We will fetch your Erik tomorrow." Mama ordered.

And Nadette, being the obedient daughter she strived to be, obeyed.

The next morning the girl was awake before the sun rose, and was surprised to see her mother already awake and dressed, fumbling with a change purse.

"In case she wants a sum for him." Mama explained.

Nadette pulled on her best stockings and her dress, and was sure to bring one of papa's old cloaks to cover Erik, since it was a cold morning. 

Together the two marched up to the shabby house, and with great determination, Mama knocked on the door.

Nadette had thought one of the servants would answer, but was surprised when Madame Destler herself opened the door. It seemed almost as if she had been expecting them.

"Hello, Pet. This must be your mother! What are you two doing here?" She mumbled.

Mama placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder to stop her from speaking, "We have come to offer you Erik a place away from here. I am willing to pay a sum for you to let him go with us."

"My my. What an accent. You know, I traveled to Germany when I was young." The widow said wistfully, "Unfortunately, the little wretch isn't available. Good morning."

Mama stopped the door from slamming in her face, "And why," said she, "would that be the case?"

"Because he's dead. He smashed his window last night right after your little angel left and jumped out of it. He landed on his head. The coroner took away the body this morning." The Madame explained emotionlessly. With one hand, she gestured to the window, and Nadette saw that the broken window was completely smashed.

"No!" She screamed, "No! No he didn't! It was you! You killed him!"

She kept going, screaming over and over. Her tears were angry and hot as mama dragged her away, "You murdered him!"

"You killed your own son!"

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