A Gift

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Nadette was extremely busy attempting to dismiss the blush that was settling in her cheeks. The masked man had been staring at her for quite a few moments now, and she was unsure whether or not to look away.

Eventually, when she could not stand it anymore, she glanced down to the table.

Erik noticed how her eyelashes gently brushed her cheeks when she looked away.

"Erm," Nadette began uncertainly, "Is everything alright?"

Erik could have slapped himself. How long had he been staring at her like a buffoon?

"Y-yes! Quite. I had just forgotten that you were coming out of mourning today." He said with a nervous grin.

Nadette finally finished setting the table, "Oh, I see. Is it alright?"

"T-the table?" Erik stuttered.

Nadette found herself laughing, "No, foolish man.  Is this okay?" 

It was Erik's turn to blush as his childhood friend gestured to herself.  Her earrings shook as she laughed.  They glimmered in the candlelight.  "You look lovely."

"Thank you." She said as she composed herself.  She did not loose the small smile that adorned her lips.

Erik did not want her to.

"Wine?" The woman offered.

"Please." Erik said as he fetched two glasses.

Nadette was not overly shy as she studied the masked man's back.  Like the rest of him, it was thin, but defined.  One could see that there was strength within this strange man. 

She was about to uncork the bottle when Erik interrupted her, "Allow me."

"What a gentleman!" She replied teasingly.

Erik relaxed slightly has he laughed, "For you, mon ami," he uncorked the bottle, "anything."

Nadette grinned at the man as he poured the wine, "And this hiatus," she began, "how long do you think it will last?"

"As long as it takes to finish my opera," he shrugged, then cast a sideways glance at the woman, "I intend to write a rather difficult piano score. Do you think you are up to the task?"

She scoffed, "Do not mock me, ami. I did not put up with Monsieur Cousteau for that long only for you to doubt my skill."

She smiled as Erik began to laugh at her indignation, but pretended not to notice as she pulled out the bread loaves and began to butter them.

Erik started to reach for the basket to unload more of the feast, but his hand drew back quickly when a sharp slap landed on it.

"Erik Destler, you impatient man," Nadette laughed, "I'd rather you didn't look inside the basket. I may have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Erik questioned, still rubbing his hand, "What kind of surprise."

"The secret kind." Nadette answered.


He watched as Nadette reached her slender fingers into the basket and pulled out a lovely bouquet of red and white roses.

Erik was rather stunned, Nadette had already been more kind to him than anyone had ever cared to be, with perhaps the exception of Madame Giry, but how could he accept such a thoughtful gift? Especially considering what they meant.

"Red and white together," he began gently, "for unity."

Nadette nodded, reaching over to give his hand a brief squeeze, "So you'll know you are not alone. Not anymore."

Erik kept his eyes on the flowers, rather than look at his friend for fear he would lose his composure.  Still his voice was thick as he thanked her.

"It is a lovely surprise, Nadette.  Thank you."

The woman smiled slightly, "But that is only the first part of it!"

Erik raised a brow under his mask, "Surely not. Even the roses are too much!"

"Don't be silly, Erik. We have cause for celebration!" She chuckled, knowing he would not understand her meaning.


"Indeed.  It is December the 12th is it not?"

"Yes, but what has the date have to do with anything?"  Erik was extremely confused, and he was wracking his brain as he attempted to remember what was happening on December 12th.

Meanwhile, Nadette was enjoying prolonging his struggle immensely, "Besides, since you do not like to celebrate Christmas, this shall have to do..."

"For heaven's sake woman! What is going on?"

Nadette laughed heartily, "Alright, Ami.  I supposed I've kept you in suspense for long enough." She handed him his wine, which he took questioningly, "Today, 23 years ago, I met a strange little boy in the forest beside my childhood home.  He very soon became my best friend, and I am thrilled to have him back."

Erik paused a moment, suddenly realizing that she was right.  A small smile grew on his features and he raised his glass to hers, "Happy anniversary, Nadette."

"Happy anniversary, Erik."  She took a small sip, "Now for the rest!"

"But I don't have anything to give you in return." Erik began.

"Don't be silly! It makes me happy to make you happy."  Nadette reached down into the basket again, this time pulling out a thin wooden box, "Besides, this can be for both of us."

At Nadette's request, Erik reached forward and gently removed the lid from the box, revealing a fine fountain pen and several pots of ink.  "For both?"

Nadette nodded, smiling, "You forget that you are not the only composer in this opera house.  You'll have to let me borrow it sometimes.  Now for your last gift.  I hope you'll like it."

"Nadette you have given me too much already-"

"Hush," she cut him off, "this is the last one."

She handed Erik a small object wrapped in black velvet and tied with ribbon, and he opened it gently.

The pocket watch was a lovely gold in color, and there were intricate designs on the cover.  He turned it over again and again, simply admiring its craftsmanship, "It is beautiful.  Now I shall know what time it is, and schedule my antics accordingly."

Nadette chuckled at the remark, "Perhaps not.  Open it."

With only a moment's hesitation, Erik did as he was told and was struck silent when a familiar melody filled the cavern. Nadette began to speak softly, but even her voice seemed to blend beautifully with the melody.

"I saw how you loved you other music box, the one with the monkey on the lid.  I thought you may want something smaller.  Now you have music with you everywhere."

Erik only nodded at her explanation, attempting to blink back the tears which he hid from her, "I know this piece, don't I?  Is it not the one you played at our first meeting here?"

"Yes.  I had the music box made specially.  It is the first and only song I have ever composed... and it was written for you." She explained softly.

Erik could not keep his tears at bay with that, and he found himself reaching up to remove his mask in order to let them fall freely.  He was surprised at how easy it had become to go without it in front of Nadette.

She rested a hand on his shoulder, giving him a comforting smile, and the two sat in silence as they listened to the music which filled the cavern.

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